The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The disguise of a SAHM at the park

I love parks.
I love letting Logan play at the park.
I love seeing him run around and having the time of his life.
One thing I HATE though are kids who ignore him when he just says HI!
"HI!" Logan says with enthusiam, just wanting to say hi to another child enjoying the park. What does he get 9 times out of 10? NOTHING! A blank stare, and then a back as they turn away. (and these are from 5-6 yr olds, they obviously know how to say hi! It kills me to see him say it 3 or 4 times before he runs away! I know it doesn't bother him now, but I KNOW that it will someday!)
Anyway, parks...
They are great! A great place for kids to run out their steam, for parents to get involved and feel like a kid again. A great place for parents to unite...wait...
I don't know if it is just a here thing, but what just drives me crazy are stay at home moms who feel as though they need to dress the part.
I'm talking athletic gear head to toe, cute little nike capri's and shoes. Dressed head to toe matching, makeup completely on, and of course don't forget the baseball cap. (which matches 100% with the outfit)
Oh, it APPEARS that they just threw themselves together. No, it doesn't even appear to be that way, but that is what they want you to think.
They try SO hard to make it look as though they are too busy to get in their jeans that they have to get in their 'sweats'.
It just makes me laugh! This one mom yesterday was talking to another (both posing in nike capri's, shirt and matching shoes...oh yes, the hat too!) about how she just threw on what she could find this morning and pulled her hair back and ran out.
Although her face was completely done up to the T.
It's no big deal really, it's just that it drives me crazy, therefore I just DON'T fit in with the stereotypical 'SAHM' at all! They are EVERYWHERE too! The library, the mall, the parks...
All the 'selfless' mothers who put themselves on the back burner and have no time to spend on themselves...gag!
OK, I'm sure I'll either get no comments on this one or a troll or two who ARE the moms I'm talking about!?
take your guess?? ;)
*I guess I'm a little grumpy today, huh?*


Blogger Info for you said...

That makes me laugh too!! My SAHM outfit consists of a shirt and jeans or overalls or maybe cutoff jeans! LOL
I don't think I own a matching sweat outfit!!

7:05 PM

Blogger dawnamarie said...

You mean you sahm's have time to put on makeup?? I had no idea. I really should stop working then. In fact 7 days a week, my hair is in a pony tail(too much work to dry and curl) and I wear makeup consisting of eyeshadow and mascara. On a good day I break out my eyeliner too. Very nice I know. In 7 months I have done my hair and makeup, get ready, 3 times. And if I just grab something to wear, I'm not gonna look good, and probably not match all that well either. My son, he's always all dressed up and cute looking. Take care of him well. Me? Haven't shaved my legs in days, getting manly and such.

9:23 PM

Blogger Minivan Momma said...

Very funny, you're right, they want to give the illusion that they just threw something together but in actuality they spent two hours getting ready that morning. Just to go to the park! But the real killer for me is the perfectly manicured nails (hands and feet) and the perfectly coifed, and highlighted, hair. OMG, do you have any idea how much money and time that takes? You'd spend half your week in the salon...with someone else watching your kids, I guess.

That being said, I still wanna look cute, damn it. I don't want it to cost too much or take too much time, but I still have to try. I spent the last three years looking like a greased pig (honestly, I rarely showered), having two kids in under two years, but now that they're a little older, and momma is 35, a girl's gotta maintain some aura of youth, right?

9:50 PM

Blogger Minivan Momma said...

Very funny, you're right, they want to give the illusion that they just threw something together but in actuality they spent two hours getting ready that morning. Just to go to the park! But the real killer for me is the perfectly manicured nails (hands and feet) and the perfectly coifed, and highlighted, hair. OMG, do you have any idea how much money and time that takes? You'd spend half your week in the salon...with someone else watching your kids, I guess.

That being said, I still wanna look cute, damn it. I don't want it to cost too much or take too much time, but I still have to try. I spent the last three years looking like a greased pig (honestly, I rarely showered), having two kids in under two years, but now that they're a little older, and momma is 35, a girl's gotta maintain some aura of youth, right?

9:51 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

That sucks that the kids won't say hi back. The kids in our little town don't appear to be so stuck up. And I've only seen a couple of SAHMs like those. As for me .. I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal. My hair is always in a pony tail or a bun (my hair is really long .. down to my butt). And I have maybe worn makeup 3 times since Chip was born and NEVER to a play ground. Except for lipgloss which I have to wear because my lips chap easily.

7:03 AM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Funny! I see lots of those out this way and suspect I will even more so as the summer comes up and we can spend time at the beach (where everyone must be pretty...).

I also have to admit that I wear the matching jogging outfits often, but here's why. I know that the top and the pants match (without any effort to coordinate my Granimals for adults) and they cover up my Mommy Belly nicely. No matching hat though...that requires too much thought. :)

10:07 AM

Blogger Katy said...

My sahm jammies and maybe some brushed hair if my husband is lucky. Well, if I go outside I will get dressed. Maybe.

3:04 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

Oh, How true, it makes me laugh. Now I do try to make myself somewhat presentable. I wear make-up out of necessity, a few scars that I am sensitive about, but a complete matching outfit, you have got to be kidding. They are tryin gto be supermom, but who are they kidding really? We all go through the same hard times. Why are some woeman so competative? If I am makingno sense, I just had my second baby boy on Tuesday, and we came home yesterday. Tired doesn't describe the half of it; I know you know what I mean!

10:00 PM

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5:51 AM


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