The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Family hiatus

Tell me I'm not alone.
Don't get me wrong, I love my family.
I'm very lucky to have them close to me...very close...TOO close.
I have my inlaw's 6 blocks from me.
I have my parents 3 miles from me.
I have my sister one mile from me.
My brother is about 30 miles from me.
For the most part, we love having them close. It is great to have them have such a big part of my children in their lives, as well as it is good for my CHILDREN to have them as such a big part of their lives.
what happens when you just get so annoyed.
You can't hide.
You are constantly in arms reach with them.
That is how I feel right now about two members of my family.
My mother, whom I love so dearly and my sister, who can either be my best friend or worst enemy depending on the day.
I thought we'd love being so close, but lately I'm thinking that was a bad idea.
Dave and I would move at the drop of a hat.
We'd be up for N-S-E-W, as we've both lived in this city our whole lives basically.
But now that we've been married for almost 5 years and we have two children who know their grandparents so well, we can't just up and go.
It seems to me that we can't do ANYTHING without approval.
I remember when we were going through infertility treatments and I decided I didn't want to go through with the RE appt because the cost of everything just made me so stressed. I didn't want to think about going $20,000 in debt for one IVF cycle at my clinic. It made me sick to think about it.
We told Dave's parents and Dave's mom gave our her opinion that we were making one of the biggest mistakes of our life.
Of course, we changed our mind and went to the appt, had the tests, got the diagnosis and got pregnant anyway.
We decide to go on a trip and my dad has to tell us what roads to take or not take and how it would be a bad idea or a good idea.
We buy something for us and our families, which have no idea of our financial status, have to make sure that we can afford it. Yes, us almost 30 yr olds who have never in our lives borrowed a cent from them.
We are in constant monitoring.
They question the way we raise our children. Not in a BAD way, but for instance, Miles is about 21-22 lbs. JUST like Logan was mind you, and is now a skinny tall boy. I was feeding Miles his baby food and my dad asked if I was overfeeding him. As if I didn't do a good enough job on Logan.
I know he didn't mean it in a bad way, just a curious way.
If we don't have a sweatshirt on the boys, my dad is certain to comment, even if it's 70 degrees.
My mom doesn't question what we do, she just makes statements that I know are not meant to harm or question me, but still do.
Dave's mom goes so far as to not follow anything that I say with my kids.
For example, we ate dinner over one time. Logan had a small bowl of icecream for dessert. I'm talking a few tablespoons. About an hour later he said, "grandma, can I have some cookies?" I figured I could answer this question as I didn't WANT him to have cookies. I said, "no Logan, you had icecream already." He says, "I was asking Grandma, Mom"
Would you assume 'Grandma' would give the same answer?
Well, you assumed wrong.
Logan got cookies.
I just wish that we wouldn't have settled down so quickly in the same town as Dave was raised.
I wish that we would have taken the time to figure out WHERE we wanted to live.
Now, we're stuck.
There are jobs all over the country that Dave could apply for, and most likely get with his certifications. We're stuck in a town that doesn't have the best jobs, the jobs that would pay so much more that we're making now.
Don't think that I'm not a little bit happy here, because I am.
I had my only grandparent live right behind me growing up.
We were so close, for the entire time she was alive.
She died when Logan was 3 months old.
I treasure every memory I have with her. She played ball with us, teeter-tottered (sp???)with us and was always out there doing whatever we wanted.
When we got bored, we just walked out our back door into HER back door.
I know that Logan and Miles will have memories just like I do with their grandparents. I am very grateful for that.
I love that they feel safe and secure with all four grandparents.
But then the time comes where I am just annoyed, fed up actually.
I don't want to go over there, and I don't want them to come over here.
It puts a damper on my 'hiatus'


Blogger Christine said...

Oh, I really shouldn't have read this post...

GL with the family! I have no advice for you, but I bet that you'll have plenty for me when it's my turn!

Oh, here's some kidding...sort of...

2:20 PM

Blogger Linda said...

I know exactly how you feel. My entire family lives within a 20 mile radius, with both of our parents being only 5 minutes away.

Definite pros and cons and quite a few times Gary has suggested moving far away...LOL!

4:25 PM

Blogger Kether said...

Yes! Christine should NOT have read this post.
I've got my family here, but Dave's family is far, far away. Whats worse is that I work with my family, too. Ugh. Sometimes its great. Sometimes I want it to be just ME.
In the long run, you're right, its better for Logan and Miles to have a close relationship with his grandparents, but yeesh all the second guessing and the parenting advice--or criticism.
Guess what? You'd probably have friends who do the same thing to you if you moved somewhere. And it would probably be much more annoying coming from people who you aren't related to. People just feel they need to contol how other people live.

7:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is exactly why we live in Hawaii, a 5 hour plane ride and half an ocean away from our families.

Okay, I do wish my parents were an hour away (the other side if this island would be fine, too) but I am keeping the ILs far far away. They are nice, don't get me wrong, but 2 weeks of them staying with us was a lesson well learned.

11:15 PM

Blogger dawnamarie said...

My poor MIL is afraid to breathe around me. Even the 2 boys that aren't mine, I make the rules everyone else follows them or they deal with me mad. That's no good. Of course I rarely see them even though they live 10 minutes away. I see my mom all the time, same thing. She still spoils the kids a bit more than I like, but she's grandma and that's what they are for.

6:39 AM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

I agree with Christine, drink.

Hee hee!

The plus side to this whole thing is that you can escape when things get nutty. We moved here to be closer to family, but guess what?! We STILL have yet to go out for so much as a dinner alone. Our parents are still two hours away. Yes, it's true they made it up to watch The Duckling when I went to have Peanut, but there are screaming, crying nights that I could use a break. But I know what you mean about moving, as much as I want to move back home, I've now put my kids in a position where they do see their family more than twice a year and it will be hard to take that away from them.

So, then you just have to go back to Christine's sentiment...drink...we'll have you over soon so you don't have to drink alone! :)

7:57 AM

Blogger Katy said...

both of our families live far away and for now, we are FINE with that.;)

10:23 AM

Blogger Kari said...

Everything you wrote, is my MIL. Exactly why I'm fed up with her. Thank goodness my family knows when to shut up and don't put their nose is our business!

I can't get far enough away from my MIL...........

drink, I might need one!

3:14 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

I am lucky my mother and stepfather and my mil all follow the rules that Charles and I set down for the kids. We don't live close though. Mom lives 6 hours and 2 states away and my mil lives 3 hours away.

9:43 PM


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