The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Why is it when things go wrong (or batteries DIE) it always happens at night.
Last night, about 12:00 we hear EAR piercing loud...BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
I jump up, thinking it's Miles' monitor. It wasn't, thank God.
But what WAS this beep!
After we quickly close the kids doors to hopefully keep them from waking up, we found it.
The Carbon Monoxide detector!

Dave starts freaking and says, "we need to get OUT! We need to open all of the windows! We need to call 911!"

I, less freaked said, lets look on the box to see what that code means.

Lb? L6? We couldn't really tell.
Dave, running around reading the freaking beeping thing that wouldn't STOP the ear piercing noise.

Lb...Lb...??? LOW BATTERY!

Even though it's plugged in the wall, it still needs a battery for backup.
It died.
It beeped.
It scared the shit out of my husband.
I stayed cool calm and collected and replaced the battery.

Dave was sleeping 3 minutes later.
I tossed and turned all night.

Freaking battery!


Blogger Misti said...

UGH, that sucks!! our smoke detectors are all programmed to go off if just one goes off. Thats a lot of fun,NOT!!

11:16 AM

Blogger Kether said...

omg i'd have freaked

good for you---you level headed chica!

12:30 PM

Blogger Christine said...

Oh, that's awful!!

12:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for posting this, that just happened to me and its only me and my sister home because our parents are at church, so I looked it up online and got this website. Thanks a bunch you stopped us from freaking!

8:45 AM


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