Life in Miles' world is getting so fun and interesting!
On the menu these days, besides the regular Stage 2 babyfood...cheerio's, Gerber's fruit puffs, and saltine crackers! He's LOVING being able to pop things in his mouth, and he hasn't choked once! I remember Logan choking all the time, well past the age of, 'is he ready'. Miles, I swear would pop in a pizza if I'd let him! ;)
So, now what? I guess I don't really remember!
I'll I DO remember is at Logan's 9 month appt the doctor said, "He can start eating everything you're eating (with common sense) so give it a try!" And that was the end of baby food!
I know I can give him soft cheeses. But what exactly IS soft cheese?
Oh, he also gets yogurt (yo baby) and LOVES it! I swear that is the only thing that he will scarf down without a drop on his face. No funny faces at all!
So, those of you who are at a stage past this or have a better memory than me, what do you think I should offer next? I know bread, bagel type things, but I mean other than that! Hmm..I guess I COULD make him some toast and cut it up small, huh?
Wow! Real food! It's exciting!
Speaking of Miles...that boy is going to be MOVING soon!
He already gets basically where he wants to go, except forward, from rolling all over. The last few days, he's pushed his bottom up (huge got his MAMA's bottom) and has sat there for 3-5 seconds. I'm so proud!
Let's say he starts crawling this month, that will be 4 months sooner than Logan! haha! In FACT, if we were on the same page as Logan, we still wouldn't be crawling. Not for another 2 1/2 months! S-L-O-W mover. But he was content, Miles isn't. I'm glad he's moving! It makes life much happier for him!
Watch out girls, SOON I'll have some cute crawling pics!
Today is Dave's birthday! 29yrs old.
For 2 weeks, I'm allowed to pick on him because I am 2 yrs younger than him. Of course, this only lasts for 2 weeks, when I am again only 1 yr younger. This isn't really all that much fun this year, but wait until next year when he turns 30 and I'll only be 28!
We're off to visit him at work so Logan can snag one of the donuts he brought for his coworkers.
Logan's new favorite birthday song isn't so friendly, but oh so cute!
"Happy birthday to you! You belong in a zoo! You look like a monkey! And you smell like one too!"
Thanks Dad, for teaching him such an outstanding version of the old classic!
Doc called me yesterday about my lab results. I should have my own copy today to REALLY dig down in the numbers. *me=geek*
Apparently my FSH was only 7.1! Amazing! (although I know it varies month to month, I'm shocked! It's damn near perfect! Which doesn't mean a thing!)
My thyroid is wacky, it's low. Here I thought the weightloss I have been experiencing was because of my portion control. Maybe it's the thyroid. Oh well, good side effect. (I'm 2 lbs away from my highschool weight!! yahoo!)
And my PT/PTT is still off. The is the time it takes for your blood to clot or something like that. It's been off since my HELLP. Doc said they are scratching their heads. He said he wants to wait 3 more months (why?) and recheck it and then if it is STILL abnormal start digging around for a reason.
He said that some people have auto-immune disorders that just aren't visible until something stresses the body (ex. pregnancy) which brings them out. Sometimes after that they will always be there. He said that this could be WHY I had HELLP OR it could be FROM the HELLP. He also said that this could be a reason for my m/c. (Of course, no one knows that) He's a little unsure of what's going on. (So, would you move on to someone else or just wait?)
That's all I know until I see my lab results.
Totally excited that I get to play 'way back wednesday' because I actually have THEE WORST color job stored on my computer. You know, the one that is SO bad you need pictures so you can really enjoy the fact after it's fixed. Ah, the story is good behind it too, so as soon as Carrie starts the game, I'll jump in.
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Happy Birthday to Dave..
I fed my kids just about everything I ate, just in really small pieces. Oh, except for things with tomato sauce. They are really acidic. I am going to play way back wednesday as well. I am looking for the picture when I am done surfing.
10:36 AM
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