The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Nerd glasses on and ready to research

OK, so I don't really think they are nerd glasses.
I wear them all the time. Oh, wait?! Maybe I am a nerd!
Remember way back when I said we were starting our own business.
Yes, we still are.
It went on a little hiatus. Is that how you spell that word.

Life got busy, things got in the way.
Really, what got in the way was the thought of actually trying to figure out what forms the damn government wants us to fill out so that we do it correctly and don't wind up oweing Uncle Sam all our profits. (gosh, I hope we make profits!)
But, today I made a decision.
I'm going for it!
Even if I have to do it alone!
I can't WAIT!

So, my friends, get ready for some true to life testaments of starting a small (minute, teeny-tiny, speck of dust) business in the new future.
It's a baby business, baby 'fashion' to be exact.
All the cool kids will wear them. Are YOU'REkids cool?
Hey, you remember what it was like to be the UNcool ones! Trust me, I saw your Way Back Wednesday pictures. You need help in making YOUR child cool! ;)

SO excited!
*Hey, anyone a graphic designer wanting to help out a mom who has to pay the freaking co-pay from the NOT OUR FAULT at all accident. I'm looking for something REALLY easy!*
My little bugger is sick.
He had 'shoot across the room, but first shoot it down my moms shirt, hair, face, all the way to her toes' vomit. The next day, funky FUNKY diapers. The next day, runny runny nose, and crying EVERY time he'd be put down. Including putting in the crib. No sleep.
Dave took him to our doctor this morning *whom I must come up with a nickname for...Dr. GoodAssBedsideManner just seems too long.
He said there is a virus going around with all the same symptoms. He took a swab culture of his very raw throat and told Dave to wait for 5 minutes for the lab.
He returned in 1 minute telling Dave the lab person had already left, so he was going to 'take this to urgent care on my way home so they can check it'
What? Are you kidding?
No call back though, so I'm guessing it was negative.
Oh, the chick who caused the accident.
Avoiding us.
We called asking her what her plan was for paying for our repairs.
We said the insurance guy said that she WOULD be paying for each and every dime, some choose to pay upfront and others need to have the wages garnished if they can't make payments. I told her we needed to know what we were looking at so we could budget. She told me she was at work and asked if she could call back on her break...yesterday. I called again today, knowing she wouldn't answer. Still no call. I have this feeling we're going to have to take her to court. Will our insurance take her to court? Do you think we're going to get the $500 back?


Blogger Kether said...

I think you'll probably have to take her to court for that $500 and your insurance company will take her to court for their share.


8:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was one of the cool kids and my kids are the coolest around. Okay,so I am a liar. i wasn't cool and not sure my kids will be either.
I hope thsi accident causing lady comes around.

We are all sick here too. {{HUGS}} I hope you have a healthy house soon.

9:00 AM


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