Do I hear the 'Praise the Lord's' from across the country?
Now, if I'm this happy when we're only talking about 3 mornings a week preschool, imagine my excitement next year when we're talking about Kindergarten! (well, OK that might not be as easy!)
Logan was SO ready. He bopped in and didn't look back. Miles bopped in and didn't look back. Oh yeah, life was grand until I had to carry him out kicking and screaming.
The good news is that most of the parents seem to be nice, and I think 50% of us have younger children around Miles age. Fun!
We're gearing up for the big baby expo this weekend. I'm making sure all the shirts are folded just right. Second guessing myself on inventory. Making sure I have enough material to make me at least LOOK professional! :)
Really though, I'm just excited. We signed up for this a LOOONG time ago. I think we're ready too!
One gripe before I go. Why is it that when childhood meltdowns happen, as we ALLL know they do, do people stare at the parent like they have 3 heads? Come on, if you've never been in the midst of a meltdown yourself, you are either A: not a parent or B: keep your children locked away in a cage at home. So my kid was screaming. So my other kid was whining. So a banana got squished out of it's home in the process? IT HAPPENS. Go back to your sheltered life and continue to whisper about what spoiled rotten kids I have.
stepping down...
Oh! That last part is why I love my Cranky King shirt! People see it and smile, thinking "yeah, I've been there."
Seriously, we love Liam's shirt from M*l*b*by. Everyone wants to know where we got it, and I'm always happy to tell them where. The quality of the shirt is better than I've found elsewhere and the artwork is beautiful.
(can you use any of that? I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone, tell you how I liked the shirt and comment)
I'm so glad Logan is back in school and happy to be there. You'll appreciate the extra time with Miles now that he's learning to communicate, I think.
Much luck to you at the Expo!!!
9:42 PM
Hey, I forgot to add that I think I'll start getting your shirts as shower gifts!
9:42 PM
Kether, you crack me up!
Here's a big sloppy kiss to you! haha!!!
7:42 AM
This is not meant to be.
I've commented three times and for a variety of reasons it won't go...
I'm not even going to retype my comment again.
Amen sister, just amen.
1:15 PM
I had this one thing typed out too and it wouldn't let me.
Let me just say I am totally with you that school is in!!
2:42 PM
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