The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Who watched 'the path to 9-11'?
Dave and I did. I don't know how much to believe or not, but I must say it made me sick.
At the end, when the planes hit, I literally felt numb.
I won't tell you my story of 9-11, simply because everyone has one.
Mine isn't any different than anyone else that lives so far away from NYC. All I know is that I was VERY pregnant with Logan and it made me second guess bringing life into this world. I sat and watched it all unfold while I was comfortable in my home. It was unreal.
Watching that again last night, I felt all those same feelings.
I grew cold. I had goosebumps. I couldn't speak.
I hate that this happened to us.
I hope nothing like it happens again, although I have a feeling it will.

Moving on.

We had an exhausting but super fun weekend participating in the All Baby Expo. We met so many beautiful pregnant mama's and so many cute little babies. I'm happy to say there will be a bunch more little babies sporting our tees.

We got home on Sunday and crashed only to wake up Monday and start REALLY packing for our trip.
Imagine packing for 2 adults and then 2 kids who aren't going with you. THEN put in the fact that half the time will be cold and rainy and the other half hot and sunny. You have to pack twice as much. Add in all the extra toys and activities that need to be packed. I think it would be easier for the grandparents to come to OUR house.

We're dropping them off tonight after a fun family supper out. Then we're going to finish packing because our flight is at 6am. We have to be at the airport no later than 5am.
Enjoy your week!
We'll see you on Monday!


Blogger Amie said...

Have a great time!

4:22 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Yea for the Baby Expo success!! Enjoy your trip!

8:20 AM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

makes me feel the same way when I see images of that day...

hope you have nice trip!

2:15 PM


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