The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

A quick update

I had a doctors appt yesterday, and we got to hear the heartbeat again! It was SO great! Logan was with me this time, so it was fun to see his expression! "WHAT is THAT?" was the reaction he had!
The heartrate was 167! Still in the 160's (hmmm...maybe a girl????)
I also discussed a problem I've been having on a daily basis. Hip pain...or what I THOUGHT was considered a hip. Its actually the SI joint. It is the joint in your bottom (can you tell I'm a mom...bottom! haha) where your leg bone attaches. It gets to the point where I can not walk without holding something to keep my balance. I had it while pregnant with Logan, but it wasn't this bad. It never fully went away, but it would come once a month or so. Now, it is every day. The doctor gave me some exercises to do, and if in 2-3 weeks it isn't any better, I have to start going to physical therapy and if it gets REALLY bad (which, I would say its pretty bad already) we'll have to outweight the pro's and cons of getting an x-ray. We would of course not really want to do that while pregnant. Hopefully the exercises will help. The bummer is, he said if it is already this bad, it will probably get worse in the pregnancy.
So, we'll just keep chugging away and hopefully it will get better! Until then, I'm excited about the fact that I'm getting close to 15 weeks (saturday) and soon...VERY soon I might be able to feel this little peanut inside of me!
I can't wait for that day!!


Blogger Christine said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are having pain, but glad that everything else is going well! I can't believe you're 15 weeks already! Time flies! I hope that the exercises do the trick!

4:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought, Jen, but you might try a good, reputable chiropractor to make sure it isn't being agravated by losening joints and some other alignment issue. I swear by mine.


8:53 PM


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