The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, February 07, 2005

God bless the pediatricians in the world...

Logans been sick for about 2 weeks straight with a head cold, intermittent fever, sore throat. Typical cold stuff...but its not going away. I took him in today and his doctor did a good job at making Logan comfortable by goofing around a little etc...I love how he does that.
So, he decides that we should do a strep test. You know the drill...2 swabs rubbing the hell out of your throat. I HATE that test! Especially when you already have a sore throat!
WELL, what started as a simple test turned into quite the fiasco!
He did the test, and Logan was so upset. He started rubbing his tongue and about dove into me. I had Miles though, so I couldn't grab him off the table. Then, it happened...PUKE!
EVERYWHERE! On the table, on the DOCTOR, then the doctor took him to the sink where he proceeded to puke in the sink. When we thought he was done, he put him down where he again puked on the floor AND my shoes...and finished the job in the garage can.
Quite the test, huh?
Do you know what the result was?
Just a 'treat the symptoms' diagnosis...
Can I honestly say that not only do I remember very little of the delivery...this first month is quite the blur also!
Carrie, aren't you glad I opted out today? haha!
Happy 5 weeks today Miles! Oh yeah...he's starting to SMILE!!!


Blogger Christine said...

Wow!! What an adventure!! I hope that Logan feels better soon!

How exciting that Miles is smiling. It must just warm your heart. I can't believe that it's been five weeks already!

9:15 PM

Blogger Kether said...

Happy Five week Miles!!
We're coming up behind you. =)
Hope Logan is feeling better, poor little guy.

Thanks a million for your emails. Working on pulling myself together. How are YOU holding up?

12:10 AM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Thanks so much for not sharing! ;) We'll definitely get together soon though as it sounds like you need it!

9:51 AM


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