The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

A special day today

today was Miles baptism!
It's still so surreal that he is here, he is mine, and he isn't going anywhere! When we were up at the baptismal fount, I got tears in my eyes when the pastor was talking. I couldn't help it! I felt so blessed! It was as God was telling me that finally I can believe that all is OK!
It has been a hard couple years for me and my husband. I've all but given up God until lately. After my delivery, it was as if God wanted me to know that he was still there. I felt it today.
It was such a special moment. I'll never forget it!
He didn't cry, in fact he did as most babies do...slept!
My brother was the God Father, Dave's sister was the Godmother.
After the service we all came over for breakfast. It was a good morning!
It is sortof funny, baptism in the morning...FOOTBALL all the rest of the day!
Now I get to listen to my husband and brother yell at the TV and try teaching Logan about football!
Am I ready for a house full of boys for the rest of my life?!


Blogger Kether said...

Awwww! I can't wait until Liam's baptism. We're waiting until summer, though, because our church is under some reconstruction.
I'm so glad that today was so special for you.

have fun with your house full of boys with the superbowl! I've got Liam a football themed sleeper that's waaaaaaaaay too big for him, but I gotta have the pictures, don't I?

4:08 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Sounds like a wonderful day for everyone. So glad the Baptism went well!!!

10:40 AM


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