The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

blubbering fool

My friend of 15+ years called me today to tell me she lost her baby.
She was almost 13 weeks.
I was so sad for her.
I tried to say all the things I wish someone had said to me.
I'm sure I said the wrong things.
I think I tried too hard.

She asked how long I remembered my loss.

I told her I still do.

I told her I remember the nurse who told me my beta's were falling.
I remember the conversation I had on the telephone with the doctor.
I remember laying in bed all day with emotions that switched from sadness to 'mad at the world'.
I told her that while I have 2 children, I'll never forget there was another pregnancy, another life in there.

She asked if she should feel like someone died.

I told her that I couldn't answer that question for her.
I told her I felt as though someone died when I had my loss.
All she kept saying was, 'but we saw him kicking on the screen just a couple weeks ago...we heard the heartbeat...we heard the heartbeat."

She sobbed, I cried.

I cried for her loss. I thought of my loss.

I'll never ever forget that right now I'd have a baby who would be over 2 yrs old.

The ironic thing is, we'll both be in surgery probably at the same time on the same day in the same building for the same procedure.
Her's to remove her baby-mine to remove possible placenta.

I hope I see her.
I hope I can hug her.
I wish this never happened.


Blogger Kether said...

my heart is with your friend. I am so very sorry. Each time it makes me sadder and each time it makes me think of my own loss, too. It must be very comforting to her to know that you've gone through it, too.

Ugh. You're getting spammed, too. Do these people have no shame? 'sides you *so* don't need a weight loss pill. They should have spammed that on MY blog =)

12:06 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

My Prayers are with your friend. I am so sorry for her. I wish no woman ever had to endure a loss. I don't think a day goes by and I don't think about Stella who would be 17 months old right now had I not miscarried.

1:59 PM

Blogger Minivan Momma said...

My gosh, that must be awful, to have seen the baby growing and thriving and then...nothing. My heart breaks for her.

Yes, I remember my miscarriage vividly too. I don't think it's something a person easily forgets. I should have four-year-old twin girls right now. But you know what? If I did, then I wouldn't have my Sydney. A friend told me that back when I had just miscarried...that when I did have a baby, I would be aware that I wouldn't have that one if I hadn't miscarried the first. When you're going though it, though, that doesn't help at all because you just want THAT baby. But now in hindsight, it does help me accept it.

Hugs to her. And you. And anyone else who lost ever lost a baby. It's awful.

4:18 PM

Blogger Mama Duck said...


My thoughts and well wishes are with you and your friend.

10:55 AM

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5:56 PM


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