The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


We've got a bug in our house.
In the last week, I have done the following:

-Battled the 24 (more like 12) hour mild flu.

-Cleaned crib after crib full of puke.

-Clean BED full of puke and luckily was able to continue to dump buckets of puke. (That's the nice thing about being 5)

-Cleaned up way more than a lifetimes fair share of blowout diapers. One of them actually went up to his neck and down to his socks. Yep. That one was fun.

-Cleaned up BED full after BED full of diarrhea because Logan couldn't make it to the bathroom in time. Yeah, THAT is fun too.

Do you see a pattern...these all happened in the middle of the night.

Finally, after I believed that we were all over it, Dave came home from a 10 day business trip. That was Wednesday.
Last night was his turn, in a huge way. The poor guy was up all night getting sick, which of course gave me another night of almost no sleep. So, in 7 nights, 4 of them were completely the worst sleep ever. (Because I'm all selfish like that and make even someone else's flu about me...right)

But after this leaves his body, literally, I am hoping we get on with life germ free.
I've got my Clorox Anywhere spraying the crap out of everything.

Tonight is my first party, and I'm so excited!! I just hope that I don't crash before hand. I'm going to have to have morning AND evening coffee today!

I have a friend who this year has turned into a wonderful great friend. If I were in middle school had to assign a title, I'd probably assign her the big 'best friend' title. We've known each other for 4 years, but have really taken off in the last year.
We see each other multiple times a week-talk almost every day (she's also a consultant) and really can tell each other anything. Her son is PPD-NOS and has been a big help to me facing a possible Aspergers diagnosis.
She's kind and generous and would do just about anything to help me, even if I never asked.
I'd like to get her a Christmas gift this year. Dumb? Silly?
I just would really like her to know that I appreciate her and all she's done for me in the past year.
If you wanted to spend about $50 on a friend, what would you get?
Nothing candle-beauty or apparel.
What do you think??


Blogger Simone said...

Oh my, is this what I have to look forward to? What a horrible, horrible week for everyone. So sorry you had to do it alone. You are a rockstar.

What are her interests? Does she love music-get her gift card for music store. Coffee? Get her gourmet coffee flavors. Anything that she likes/hobbies but doesn't treat herself to.

11:34 AM

Blogger Jennie said...

I hope the bug in your house is gone for good!

I know you said nothing beauty-candle related for your friend, but what about a gc for a massage? Or manicure?

9:14 AM

Blogger Jennie said...

I hope the bug in your house is gone for good!

I know you said nothing beauty-candle related for your friend, but what about a gc for a massage? Or manicure?

9:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As any mother, and best friend could appreciate, how about a babysitter and treat her to a girl's evening out to dinner?

I absolutely treasure getting a break from my norm and gabbing with a dear friend.

4:11 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

Hope that bug is completely gone soon!!!

7:52 PM


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