The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

It's been a week filled with baking, shopping and cleaning.
The holidays are finally here...but I'm feeling a bit ba-humbug about it all.
Sometimes, even though I realize that I am lucky, I wish that we lived FAR away from family.
We could do our own celebrations, our own traditions and not have to worry about anyone else.
That leads me to the grouchy feeling I get toward certain extended family members that I see a couple times a year that totally bug the crap out of me.
Heaven knows I can't actually tell my REAL feelings, so I continue on, almost biting a hole in my lip, just to make it though the visit.
Family-can't live with them, can't live without them...or can you?

I think this is the best year yet when it comes to giving. I am positive that everyone will love what they got, and THAT is a good feeling!

I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday!!


Blogger Sue said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

4:06 PM

Blogger Amie said...

Merry Christmas :D

4:40 PM


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