The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

And the good news is...

"almost normal" lab results.
It is a relief, of course. Although really, a pill to make it all go away would have been nice.
He surprised us with a nice dinner last night, so I'm hoping Mr. Man is full of energy today.
Our next steps:
Tomorrow we have our diagnostic assessment for the Asperger's.
Tuesday we have that gastrentologist appt. I looked it up and apparently they do all sorts of things, but one of them is nutritional help. Just what we need.

I spent yesterday baking baking baking.
Here's what I made...
White Cranberry Biscotti
Mint Chocolate Truffle cookies

I'm again hosting a cookie exchange involving 12 women tonight at my home. It will be nice to see everyone and the plus side is getting 12 different kinds of cookies while making only 1 kind. The truffle cookies are for the exchange, the biscotti is a stuffer of the favors I made for them to take home.
Oh, and I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the biscotti recipe. It is SO good!!

Happy Thursday to you!


Blogger Me said...

... I'm just a wee bit jealous of the baking. I get paid tomorrow and need to get my baking supplies. I have 26 more recipes to make before Christmas.

And I'm only 1 month behind so far.


7:43 AM

Blogger Jennie said...

YUMMY! Jen, those do look fantastic!
Thanks for the recommendation. This will be the perfect teacher gift ~ hopefully mine will turn out to be just as good :).
I hope you have fun at your party tonight! Enjoy!
ps. Can you get to ss??

11:35 AM

Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I will so be trying that biscotti recipe! Looks divine!

Glad Logan ate better last night and results came back normal!

Hope the doctor is able to help next week!

Have fun with the ladies tonight!

2:05 PM

Blogger Jennie said...

The biscotti ROCKS! OH MY GOSH!!! Thanks for this recipe!!!!

4:14 PM


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