The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Nee-ner Nee-ner

OK, so I've mentioned before just how much I love having boys.
Logan is my lovey dovey boy.
He's always calling me beautiful, pretty and tells me he loves me a million times a day. (And that of course makes me feel like he's going to be a darn good husband! Although he tells me he's going to marry me.)
After he tells me he loves me, he tells me how good it makes him feel to say that.
I LOVE having boys. (I'm sure girls are just as great)

So, I did a little shopping last week and bought a summer dress that I was just unsure of.
I told Dave that I wanted to try it on and get his honest opinion.
I walked in the bathroom where Logan and Miles were in the tub and Dave was the target of splashing.
"Um...I don't like it. Where do you plan on wearing it? Is it a gardening dress? It looks like you're thinking...'I'm going to pretend to be a cute gardener this year' Look at those big pockets for your tools!"

OK, got it. Dress will go back.
Then, Logan says, "Mom! I LOVE it. You look great!"
And of course I thanked him and told him that that made me feel really special.
As I was turning around to leave, I saw Logan STICK HIS TONGUE OUT at Dave when Dave wasn't looking!
My jaw dropped and I tried not to burst out laughing.
I think someone is pining for my attention? What do you think?
Nee-ner Nee-ner, you told mom she looked silly and then I told her she looked great!


Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

that is really funny!

Post a picture of the dress for us we can give you some feedback!

8:21 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

Oh, how I love my boys too. That is just so sweet about Logan. He sure told your husband, didn't he!

9:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

for your tools, ROFL!! thta is classic!

And what a sweet boy! Boys are the best. I have a girl too and boys are just as sweet and fun.

10:30 PM


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