The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Breastfeeding and thank you

First, THANK YOU for liking my name...and if you were only saying that to be nice, thank you for being nice.
We really do like it, and think it goes perfectly with the little boy we imagine, and with our family.
I can't wait until he gets here so I can look him in the eyes, feel his face, touch his toes and tell him how much I wanted him in my life, and how long it took to make it happen.
The big topic, breastfeeding.
Those of you BTDT moms, I will be needing your support.
I'm determined. Last time, it was a nightmere. I was on heavy antibiotics during labor (due to an infection in my amniotic fluid) and developed thrush about 4 days PP. On top of having 3rd degree tearing, and the complete craziness of my milk coming in PLUS my milk coming in with thrush. I was depressed, I hurt in every part of my body. I was young and unsure of myself and I didn't believe I could do it. They had me using nipple shields and pumping formula through a feeding tube THROUGH the sheilds...oy! It was crazy!
I gave up. Its ok, really it is! Logan was SO healthy growing up on formula, and I don't care what the breastfeeding psycho's say...I did what was right for my son and my family at that time. Feeding him was finally a joy instead of pain.
BUUUT! I really want to experience breastfeeding! Not because I feel my bond will be any different than Logan, but just because I REALLY want to experience it!!
So, I'm trying to learn as much as I can etc...I went to a nutrition appt to make sure that while I'm not eating meat I'm getting what the baby will need etc...I want to get a good pump (but they are all SO much money!) and I want to get on the right foot early!
Does anyone have any advice or personal stories?
Being pregnant with number 2 is so much different than being pregnant with number one, anyone else agree (BTDT?)
With Logan, when I was tired, I could nap. I'd put my feet up and relax. I'd slowly find things for him and unpack them in his room. I ate slept and breathed pregnancy. Its ALL I thought about!
Its impossible to do that with number 2! I RARELY get to put my feet up, last night I was up 5 times after FINALLY falling asleep at 12:00, but my little 'alarm clock' (aka...Logan)woke me up and I know I'll not get to rest today.
I have so much to do, and barely ANY time to do it! I wish SAHM's could have a 'sick day', or a vacation day! Not that I'm complaining in ANY way about staying home! I've never felt so good about any job I've ever had, and I swear the bond Logan and I have is SO strong! I'd NEVER have it any other way as long as we can have it this way! My neighbor occasionally takes off Fridays and still drops her daughter off at daycare (???....) and works in her house ALLL day! Her house is spotless and she isn't home every day! haha! It doesn't make sense, does it!
Boy, life is going to be different with TWO little men around, isn't it!
I can't WAIT! :)


Blogger Stephanie said...

That's great that you are going to give it a shot to try BF'ing again this time. So many people are discourage by having problems the first go round that they don't even try the second time around so I am very proud of you for giving it a shot. I truly believe breastfeeding Chip for the first 9 months (he weaned himself early) was the best thing I have ever done. I will tell you the trick that all women should be told. The first 6-8 weeks are TOUGH, but if you can get past that adjustment time .. it get's soooooo enjoyable. There is no better experience than nursing your baby and to watch them pop off your breast and give you this milky smile. OMG it's so worth those first few weeks that can be so rough. BF'ing this baby is something I look forward to so much. It is just an amazing amazing thing. I wish I had the words to describe it but it's kind of like trying to describe the feelings of when you become a parent. . there are no words to describe the whole experience .. it's just too much. If you have any questions in the upcoming months please let me know I will help you in anyway I can.

9:22 AM

Blogger Christine said...

I don't have an information for you on BFing, but I just wanted to tell you again that I think that Miles Kermit is an adorable name! I just hope he doesn't come out green. Cuz, it isn't easy being green......

1:04 PM

Blogger Jen said...

Christine, you are cracking me up!

2:45 PM

Blogger chris said...

Glad to hear you're going to give it another shot. A lot of women are surprised at how difficult BF can be. I know I was completely unprepared for things like nipple confusion, poor latch, thrush . . . you name it. What saved me was getting a good lactation consultant. I didn't care for the ones at the hospital--they weren't really any good with the "difficult" cases like ours (wouldn't latch on, pumped around the clock and he wasn't a good napper unless he was held so that required a LOT of coordination) but I eventually found a woman through La Leche League with whom I was really happy. I mean, you have to be comfortable with someone who's handling your boobs and your baby, you know?

I used a hospital grade Medela pump at first and then switched to a Pump in Style. They're both good pumps, but if you're just starting out, go with the hospital grade. Actually, you shouldn't even need one unless you're having problems. I wouldn't invest in one until I knew what my needs were, say for example, your baby nurses well but you want to occasionally pump and freeze some milk, buy a cheap one (not too cheap--I hated the Avent), but if you run into problems, the hospital grade is the only one to start with.

Incidently, during the difficult times we supplemented with formula, which was a pain and expensive. If we're ever lucky enough to get through another pregnancy, I won't go that route again unless it's absolutely necessary. I don't know about you, but one of the suckiest things was dealing with moms who effortlessly BF their kids and made judgment calls about the feeding choices that were at times my only option. I wish I'd told them to kiss my big behind, but you know what they say about hindsight being 20/20.

Good luck.

10:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hated the Avent? I have an Avent manual pump and I love it. I only use it a few times a week to freeze milk, or have milk for a babysitter, it's all I need. I can get a good 5 oz per breast in just a few minutes. Too each is own. I used the hospital one when I was admitted with mastitis, and could only get an oz or two.

Anyhooo, I digress. It's great that you're going to give BF another try. I just love it, and not having to pay for formula makes it even better. LOL

I didn't have much trouble learning to BF. Both my kids had a great latch on right off the bat, so no advice there. But I can tell you one thing. Let your nipples air dry after each feeding for the first few weeks. I found that when I put my bra back on too soon after a feeding was when I'd get sore. Oh and the LC at the hospital gave me a good piece of advice that worked, on day 3 (when your milk comes in) feed every 3 hours at the very least, wake baby if you need to, even at night. This helps keep you from becoming engorged. It worked for me. :-) Good luck!


12:48 PM

Blogger Lala said...

Hi. I wish I could offer advice about trying again but I'm afraid that it was too easy, almost unfairly easy, for me and I have remained blissfully ignorant about pumps and such in the meantime.
What I can offer is congratulations.
The breastfeeding experience for me was primal, it was my body doing exactly what I felt it's most important job was. It was out of this world. I know a lot of people are hassled and stressed and find it not at all what it's cracked up to be but it can be rewarding on so many levels. I'll be following along to hear how it goes for you.

10:47 PM

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Can you rent one from the hospital? I know most of the hospitals around here you can rent them...

11:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's awesome that you're going to give it a try again this time with Logan. I have a great deal of respect for you!
Can you call the La Leche League or someone at the hospital for a consultation on the before the baby arrives? I've "heard" that inverted nipples are really common for red heads and typically they have a harder time feeding because they are more sensitive. Either that, or the nurse was trying to give me an ego boost - lol. Maybe you there is something (such as nipple shields or a cream) you can use this time in advance to prepare. Good luck!!

6:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's awesome that you're going to give it a try again this time with Miles. I have a great deal of respect for you!
Here are a few ideas you might want to consider to prepare:
The hospital typically offers an intro to breastfeeding class. I found it really helpful! We were able to talk about potential problems and how to overcome the hurdles, bras, what to expect the first few days, positions to hold the baby, etc. All GREAT stuff!!
Can you call the La Leche League or someone at the hospital for a consultation on the before the baby arrives? I've "heard" that inverted nipples are really common for red heads and typically they have a harder time feeding because they are more sensitive. Either that, or the nurse was trying to give me an ego boost - lol. Maybe you there is something (such as nipple shields or a cream) you can use this time in advance to prepare. Good luck!!
Your friend,

6:35 AM

Blogger Cricket said...

Hi - my first post here. Congrats on your pregnancy and I do love the name Miles. We have a good 5 yo friend named Miles.

I'm piping up, b/c I will admit that part of the reason I have experienced infertility (to mean, part of why I wanted another child) in the past is b/c I wanted to be fulfilled by a successful breastfeeding relationship.

My son was born at 37 weeks, not considered premie, but still w/premie characteristics like not wanting to eat. I never got a drop in him for our whole hospital stay. I have flattened nipples and had begun to wear the shields when I went into labor. After the birth, I had a nasty nurse tell me that my nipples were too soft and I should have been toughening them. Well, I would have heard a completely different tune if nipple stimulation had initiated laber too early. Some things you can't win.

Another issue was my son clenching his mouth. It took 2 hands to pry his mouth open to get a bottle in; it just would not work with my uncooperative nipples. He was not an eager eater, couldn't care less about latching on. I went to a lactation specialist and I pumped in anticipation of it working eventually. Kept having problems with nipple thrush, too. Overall, I was proud to be successful in his diet being what I wanted, b/c he was essentially 'breastfed' exclusively his first 4 months. After that, I added soy to the mix and pumped for a total of 8 months.

The first 2-3 months, I used a hospital pump from the lactation specialist, rental something like $20-30/month. After that, I made the big purchase. I think bought a Pump N Style before the price hiked up so much; it was something like $180 way back 7 yrs ago.

I tried LLL meetings, but I was such an outsider, a pumper not a nurser. I was not a zippy pumper either. I took herbs to help me flow and it still took 45 minutes to empty me, then took another 45 minutes to feed an uncooperative baby by bottle. I essentially was feeding twins on my own. For me, a strong pump was a must.

The good part is that my son doesn't have allergies and my nipples were corrected from all that pumping. I am doubting that they are going to ever be used 'right' but they sure makes sex better now :)

12:08 AM

Blogger ErinMary said...

I don't know if you'll get this since it's an older post, but I wanted to add my story.

I BF my son almost exclusively for 9 1/2 months. It was a wonderful experience and I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was also a HUGE responsibility, and in the beggining, it was incredibly difficult.
For the first couple of months by breasts hurt, bad. And it took 3 days for my milk to come in, and my baby almost became dangerously dehydrated.
There are so many conflicting messages about b/f...I think every mom needs to do what she thinks is best for her baby...
But I will say that I was sooo proud of myself for staying with it. I knew I was doing and sacraficing so that my son could have the very best I could offer him. I think it was something I personally needed to do to say to myself and everyone else, "This is my baby. I will take the responsiblity of feeding him in a way that no one else can." I also didn't want to share him with anyone, and it gave me a great excuse to never ever leave him for more than a couple of hours (and I still don't). Anyway, I think it's great that you want to try again.

2:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:36 AM

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Thank you for your BLOG.


yellow gold chain

5:32 AM


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