The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Something important

There is something that I feel I must say.
I feel as though I've been excepted into this new community of bloggers. Thanks so much to my friend Christine. Christine, you have posted on most of my pages from the time my computer illerate self learned how to set up the comment page. You probably don't realize how much it means to me, so I want to tell you how much it really does. You are a great friend. You must belong to a board of women, because I hear yourselves calling each other 'sista's' a lot. I'm assuming that is how you all met. And many of your 'sista's' also have their own blogs.
SOMEHOW, I was lucky enough to get on some of their own blogrolls, and they have been kind enough to post comments on my pages as well.
My last post had a lovely 'anon' who told me that nobody cared about what I chose to post about. That might have been true! Really, but you know, the point of my blog is for me to remember and journal about things that are important to me in my life. 'A' delivering healthy..well, almost healthy...twin baby girls who combined weights are less than most singletons born is very important to me. And when I go back in a year, it will be fun to see that page.
Not only did on person step up and tell me they care, but Stephanie, Kether, Crista, and Christine all did! Thank you girls!
This is now starting my 9th month of blogging.
I haven't really found a place where I 'fit'. At first, I fit in with the infertiles. But, then again, not really as I have my son Logan. And there is a lot of tension from some primary infertiles towards secondary infertiles (not all, by any means, but many). And seeing I was new to the blog world, I didn't know who would have that tension, and who wouldn't. While I had miscarried when I first started TTC, I didn't fit with the women who had multiple losses. I didn't really fit with the TTC'ers, because while I was TTC....I was infertile. It was 19 long hard months until I got pregnant with Logan. I have elevated FSH levels, so I thought I'd fit with them...but then again, I never really found too many with that problem.
When I got pregnant with this baby, I didn't fit with any of the pregnant blogs, because the fear of loss was just SO great with this pregnancy, still is!
I kindof just felt that maybe having a class of my own was just as great as fitting in with a group of bloggers.
I was starting to realize that maybe I would only have a couple responses every few posts, and that was OK with me! After all, that isn't why I was doing this blog to begin with. I am doing this blog for myself. A sort of therapy to work through first, infertility, then pregnancy. Its a great place for me to get it all out. feel as though I'm being welcomed into this great group of ladies. Some have children, some don't. Some are pregnant, some aren't. Some are trying, and I think that all of us have had a loss.
I'm not sure how you great group of ladies have been so kind as to let me into your little circle, but I just want to thank you for that.
I'm learning bit by bit about your lives, and your trials and joys.
I can't wait to learn more.
Thank you for allowing me to join your inner blog circle. (Do I sound like I'm in middle school yet? haha!)
Cheers to all of you!
**I also tried to put this up in my blog roll, but I don't know how to do it. If you read my blog, and you would like me to blog roll your blog, please, let me know! I'd love to add it to my list!!**


Blogger Kether said...

Awww. That's how I feel, too. It seemed like everyone was caught up in the "pain scale" and you had to "make friends" by where you were on the pain totem pole.And while I had had a miscarriage, it was after getting pregnant easily and then I was lucky and got pregnant four months later. I felt like I didn't fit in anywhere..much like you didn't..because I always felt like people were saying, "What is SHE doing here..her pain isn't as bad as ours"
Luckily Christine had a blog role, so I was able to surf other people's blogs and find people that I identify with and people who are generous and kind and very interesting. We're all in different places in our ttc and yet we are all linked somehow. It has really helped me to grow and to heal.

5:28 PM

Blogger Christine said...

I met my sistas on a couple of different boards. Somehow, we all found a home with each other. We started calling ourselves sistas around the same time that I wrote a blog entry--let's see if I can link this:

Anyway, I'm the one that is truly blessed. I'm blessed to have made such wonderful friends and sistas. Thank you for what yousaid, but I can't take the credit for how wonderful my friends are! And Jennifer, I'm honored to count you as one of them!!

7:32 PM

Blogger Christine said...

Ok, let's try this link:
Secret Society of Sisters

8:04 PM

Blogger Crista said...

Yeah, what they said!

I can identify with a lot of what you wrote here, Jennifer (and I, too, am extremely grateful to and for Christine, for many, many reasons!) :) -- I'm sorry you sought a community for so long without success, but I'm glad you have finally found one that feels right.

My "sistas" are in some sense a specific group of ladies with whom I've become close via boards this past year, but in another sense it is a very fluid group, consisting of every woman who has experienced pregnancy loss with whom I have come into contact or "met" this past year. There is a bond there that has been invaluable to me, and I've been lucky to really *connect* with a number of these woman.

I'm glad you are among these women, though of course also sorry you have to be.

9:37 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

HUGS!!! I feel like we are all in this fight together. We are all women .. who want to be mothers. Whether we had an easy time .. a hard time or like some an utterly horrific time .. we all have the same goal. And that's what brings us together. I feel a connection to you more than some because we both have little boys already .. and then a loss .. and now a pregnancy that we fought hard for and are hoping and praying to keep.

Please don't let people that are too cowardly to even post their names bother you. They aren't worth your time.

3:18 PM


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