The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Friday, February 11, 2005

6 week checkup

I typed this all this morning and then blogger went down...frustrating! So here I am doing it again!

I had my checkup yesterday. The Dr was very nice and wanted to make sure I understood everything that happened. She wanted me to know that I was classified under the most severe level of HELLP syndrome (there are 3) and that I was in a "life threatening situation". She said it was important that I understand that, as it makes it easier to 'swallow'...frankly, I don't think it will ever be easy to 'swallow'.
She said that my chances are much higher of a repeat case seeing I was considered stage 1. We know we were done before this, but the funny thing is when you are told you shouldn't have makes you want more! (but then you realize how sleep deprived you are with TWO, and.........haha)
We talked about my memory loss. She said that during labor it is your body's way of defense. She said, "trust me, I was there...and it wasn't fun! Be glad you don't remember" Well, I'm not glad.
When I told her all the memory problems I'm still having to this day she got this funny look on her face and asked me specifics.
I can't remember what Logan had for lunch yesterday...
what he wore to school on Tuesday...
What time or days I have appts unless I look at the calendar every day...
EVERYTHING...and I mean even a few hours ago is fogged. I can remember, but not details.
She then left to call my regular doc. The one that couldn't do the delivery due to the severity of the situation.
She came back and explained that some women who have HELLP have 'mini strokes'...MINI STROKES.
I'm scheduled for an MRI next monday(not valentines day..the next week)
Both Doctors think I may have HAD a mini stroke.
A stroke people...
I believe it may be medical leftovers from hellp along with sleep deprivation, but I guess we'll wait and see.
I'm nervous though, not only of the results but of the procedure itself.
I'm claustrophobic. It will take 30-45 minutes in the tube.
I'm more nervous of that than I am of the results.
So, that is the latest on me...
I have some cute Miles posts started and saved. I can't wait to have a minute to finish them so you can hear more about my sweet little boy!! Let me just tell you this, he smells oh SO good(even with milk crusted on his face) and has the cutest most precious little feet you have EVER seen...EVER!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there
I've been following your blog for a while but lurking until now... I just wanted to offer you some moral support for your current situation. I had a similar experience to you in Nov '03 - I kept forgetting really silly stuff, like where I'd put a mug 5 seconds earlier, what I had said to a colleague 2 minutes ago, and what I had just bought for dinner at the supermarket. I didn't really think much about that, and was more concerned about my consistent headache. It wasn't until I forgot where I lived and my name, and couldn't feel my right arm/leg, that I started getting concerned! Turns out I had had a mini-stroke, caused as my body's prediliction for migraines doesn't apparently do so well on the Pill. I had the CAT scan and MRI, and although the latter was noisy, it really wasn't that bad. I am very, extremely claustrophobic, but if I can give you some advice, take one of those eye-masks they give you on long-haul flights, and pop it on before you get put in the tube. And make sure you put the earplugs in, as it is really noisy. Think of a nice warm beach and just let yourself drift off. I know it's easier said than done, but I do want to say it isn't so bad and it's worth for them to have a look. I've had 3 now, and they get easier. As for prognosis, I was on meds for about 6 months, but my memory got back to 100% and my motor skills came back even faster. I managed a high-profile IT project 2 months after the stroke, so I must have been lucky & 'fixed' fast, as I can barely remember even being ill. Now I am 3 months pregnant, and apart from normal pregnancy-amnesia, you wouldn't guess I'd ever had a stroke.
Can I say that Miles is a gorgeous little boy - it was tough to see you go through such a horrible time during labour, but he really is a little prince! GOOD LUCK and take care, and most of all DONT WORRY. You don't deserve more cr*p like this after what you've been through, but you WILL be fine soon. Look after yourself. xx
Jen in London, UK xx

1:28 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Oh wow sweetie!!! I am so sorry that you are having to go through more issues. I am sending you lots of hugs and well wishes.

2:38 PM

Blogger Kether said...

WOw. Blogger commenting is different.
I wish I could come hold your hand while you're in the tube. I'll be thinking about you. I'm hoping that you're right and that its just the sleep deprivation.
Can't wait to hear more about Miles and soooo glad to hear Liam isn't the only one with a milk crusted face ;)

You'll be in my prayers Jen. Take care of yourself.

5:52 PM

Blogger ErinMary said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're still having trouble, and the mri doesn't sound fun. If you're very anxious, they can probably give you something to relax.

I hope it's just from lack of sleep. When I am getting very fatigued from being sick and pregnant, I feel like I'm constantly in a fog. I get so frustrated when I get to the bottom of the stairs and can't remember what I went down for. I hope they just find out that you need a good night's sleep.

7:43 PM

Blogger Christine said...

(((((((GIANT CYBER HUGS)))))

I'm so sorry that you are going through so much right now. Try to think of the MRI as a perfect place and time to take a nap, and yes, ask for something to relax you if you need it.

They want you to come in to rule out TIA's (mini-strokes). It may very well be negative. However, you will want to know one way or the other.

Meanwhile, enjoy your sons, try to get some sleep, and take care of yourself.

You are in my thoughts and prayers always.


8:17 PM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

I HATE when you type it all out and it doesn't post! Arghhhh!

(((hugs)))as I'm sure you were thrilled to be not only hearing this, but hearing it from this particular Dr. I checked into it and there are open MRIs in the area (so as to avoid the being locked in a tube feeling!), I'll e-mail them to you.

11:02 AM


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