The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Top three reasons parents of small children get divorced...

3. One spouse has an affair...enough said.
2. Not enough money causes too much tension and both people can't take it anymore...
and the number 1 reason parents of small children get divorced is...


At least, if Dave and I are going to get divorced, THIS will have to be the reason! We've NEVER disagreed as much as we are now!
And the funny thing is, it is ALL about sleep!
Who gets more, who has to get up when, who has it worse with lack of sleep...
He thinks he does because he has to GO to work. Sit in a on the phone...NEVER deal with any public, only the other 8 people who work in his building.
I think I have it worse because once I"m up, I'm up with 2 kids who are 100% needing of me! They can't eat/poop/play/sleep without me...I never can just turn off my brain ever. (as I type this, Miles is in his bouncy letting me know that I shouldn't take a break...he's pooping! haha! Such is life)
Not only do I 'work' while Dave is at work, but it is a full from the time I get up to the time I go to bed (joke!) job!
Cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, the list goes on and on.
So, what do we do? ARGUE! ONLY about sleeping!
We're both SO FRICKING tired!
Not only is Miles 5 1/2 weeks that is 5 1/2 weeks of no sleep...I was deathly ill the week before his birth awake for at least 3 hrs a 6 1/2 weeks. THEN, the last 2 months or more of pregnancy I was up at lest 3 times a night to use the bathroom and hell if I could get comfortable. Not to mention the times that Logan woke me up.
I'm going on MONTHS without a full nights sleep!
If we don't get divorced after this, we will be able to make it through ANYTHING!!!!
FYI~I'm totally kidding about getting divorced...incase any of you needed that...
Had to come back to add I realize this is completely childish to fight about something that is completly out of our control, but people...since 2:30am, I've had 1.5 hrs of sleep. It is 8:30 now...I'm tired and grumpy!


Blogger Mama Duck said...

OMG, these thoughts about who does what (work outside the home v. all the crap I do at home) could have been stolen from our recent conversations! I asked him once to take Grace to the grocery and he asked me if I knew how much of a struggle that would be. Ummmmmm....not a clue, never done it...our groceries magically drop out of the sky onto our front porch every week. Lordy! :)

9:49 AM

Blogger Cricket said...

You forgot the bonbons and the soaps! That's what I do all day.

11:38 AM

Blogger ErinMary said...

Thanks for the little glimpse into my future! Looking forward to it!!

I just have to have a nice easy delivery, right? After I had Thomas I hadn't slept since the night before I went into labor, and after the fourth night without sleep I got three consecutive hours of sleep and thought I had died and gone to paradise.
You have it pretty bad when you know how great 3 hours of sleep can be.

I'll tell you what you can tell me in August: It'll go by fast and you'll be wishing for your little babies again some day! But then you'll remember the lack of sleep and be glad they've grown.

1:37 PM

Blogger Kether said...

Good thing you added the thing at the end or you'd get trolls lecturing you about your marital vows ;)
Awww Jen I'm so sorry you aren't getting sleep. I hope it eases up soon. Wish I could bottle up a nap and send it to you.

2:33 PM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

I am SOOOOOO looking forward to having baby #2 and dealing with this. (HA!)
Hopefully there's an end in sight for you. You could get a babysitter and you and your husband could just go sleep somewhere.

4:09 PM

Blogger Christine said...

Oh, hang in there, Jennifer! This, too, shall pass, right??


4:16 PM


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