The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A whole lot of random

I think Julia summed it up pretty well in her last paragraph...I feel like I have so much more to post than just 'mommy' stuff, but when the time comes for me to sit on the computer and actually type only 'mommy' stuff comes to mind. (Not that I'm apologizing either, mind you...) Could be because that is about all there is to me right now. (reminds me, I'd like to do a post about losing myself and what I can do to find the real me again...) it could be because even after 6 weeks, I'm still at the beginning of figuring out how to handle two (although I'm totally getting there...) It could be because I'm feeling guilty that I can't look back on the birth of Miles the way I can with the birth of Logan so I'm feeling guilty about posting that (I really want to and will soon, promise!)
It also could be because everytime I sit to type, I have to do it one handed. (Speaking of...any 2+ parents find your second child is MUCH more needy than your first? I'm really finding that to be the case, as did a good friend of mine. Wondering if it is because with your first, you can give 100% of you, but with your second, you only have so much...maybe they feel that and are trying to get more from us? God I hope not, but its a theory!! What do you think. Oh, and another question...anyone have any tips on getting a baby to sleep in other places than your ARMS! We swaddle, rock, and he actually sleeps IN his carseat IN his crib. We canNOT co-sleep. Just not an option. He does pretty good at night, but during the DAY he won't nap anywhere else but my arms! I put him down...cry! I put him in his carseat...cry! In the swing...CRY! In the playpen...well, you get the idea! HELP!)
Anyway, there is more to me and I promise there will be some insightful posts soon to come.
Until then, I'm sure you realize that I can't figure out how big to save my pictures to show them here...lets see how big THIS one is!
Miles' first smile that we could actually catch with the camera! :)

OK all you english people. I've been trying to figure this out... is it MILES' or MILES'S (no! thats not right!!!) and do you say, MILES picture or MILES-ES picture...NO! That isn't right! YOu would think that by being his mom for 6 weeks now I would know this, but I never realized this would be an issue! I used to think English was something I enjoyed and was good at, but criminy! I can't even say or spell my son's name right in plural! Oy! What do you I so stupid or what?


Blogger Christine said...

OMG! He's just gorgeous! I'm so glad that you are posting pictures! I love to see them, so keep them coming!!!

I have no idea how to say or spell his name. Maybe you should just all him Kermit. ; ) (I just love that!!)

I also don't have any ideas for you on getting him to sleep. Isn't the sling helping you free up your arms? Maybe he needs to be worn?

Hang in there! It takes a while to adapt! (Oh yeah, you may need to remind me that I said that one in a few weeks!!)


3:28 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

LOL .. He is soooo incredibly cute. As for the name thing. Don't feel bad. I have been a Haynes for over 3 years and I still don't know how to freaking make it possesive or plural.

5:52 PM

Blogger Linda said...

Miles is SOOO cute!!! He has such a great complextion.

I love to read about the mommy stuff.

I believe that if you wanted to wanted to make Miles name possesive it would be Miles' (for example Miles' rattle).

By the way...thank you for continuing to read my blog!

10:59 PM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

First off, I'm pretty sure it's Miles' as in "Miles' pictures." Only because my sister's name is Chris and that's how we've always done it with her name having an "s" at the end.
Second, Miles is SOO cute and his smile is just precious!!
Finally, with the sleep thing- my first born did the same thing. Would only sleep on mom or dad. I ended up putting her in the sling. At least then my hands were free and she got her naps in!

4:08 PM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Ok, I just commented and realized I had my numbers all mixed up. The first sentence was supposed to be about Miles- cus of course he's the most important!! And then all the other stuff comes second.
just wanted to clarify...

4:11 PM


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