The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The end of an era

On Friday, I let Logan play for a while on
Apparently, Bob and the gang were talking with 'talkie-talkies' and Logan decided that was something HE wanted. I said, 'OOH! Great idea! Walkie-talkies sound like a GREAT gift to buy when you decide it's time to say goodbye to your pacifiers!"
And he said, "LET'S DO IT!!"
**breaking in to say, yes, I know it's crazy that my 3 1/2 yr old has a pacifer. He uses it only to sleep with. It helps him dream, or so he says. It never became an issue about in bed/out of bed, so I let him hang on to it.**
I knew I had to act FAST because if I waited, I knew he would change his mind.
Our neighbor has a 10 week old, so I asked if he wanted to give them to baby M, and he said "YES!!"
I called my neighbor and asked if she could play along.
Off we went, marching to a tune you may have heard before...
"Bye-bye pacifier! (repeat at home)
We don't need you anymore!" (repeat as you's fun, try it!)
And in my head, I couldn't believe this was happening.
Part of me wanted to grab him and say,
"What, are you CRAZY! Your dear friends who have been with you through thick and thin! The one's whom apparently help you dream better! The ones who when you are sad, you go to for COMFORT? You're just going to GIVE THEM AWAY for some stupid walkie-talkie's? What's wrong with you????"
BUT! I didn't. I marched, chanted and a bit of me cried on the inside.
We handed those pacifiers over...

And part of me just watched my baby turn into a boy. You know, that thing your child has that makes you remember him as a baby. I could peer in at Logan no matter what and see that big blue bulb sticking out of his mouth and see exactly what he looked like as a baby. No more my friends.
Yes, we went and got those walkie-talkies that night (oh and some Dairy Queen too!) and you know what? They're not so cool anymore if you can belive it!
Yes, Logan has gotten sad each time he's gone to sleep. But, super mommy that I am came up with a plan! No pacifier, we must have something else. Enter='magic potion lotion' (see! I knew that sparkly lotion I wasted my money on way back when would come in handy for SOMETHING!)
A little 'magic potion lotion' rubbed on the arms, and all good and happy thoughts and dreams come his way.

Yeah, so, my big boy is growing up.
I so don't want to go there yet.
I will be honest and tell you, I cried that night. I did!
We're all ok today!

Oh, Dave's 'ahem' you know...they're fine! hee hee!
It went quick, painless and so easy!


Blogger Linda said...

Congratulations on getting rid of the pacifier!!! That is awesome that Logan was ready to do it.

I am glad everything is A-OK with Dave.

10:02 PM

Blogger Kether said...

I have a friend at work who had trouble potty training her boy. One day he decided he wanted to go to school and she said he wouldn't be able to go if he couldn't go in the potty. He potty trained that day. Isn't it funny how they just make up their minds to do something?

Good for Logan!

Your floors are BEAUTIFUL! (and so are your kids..)

10:59 PM

Blogger Kari said...

WTG Logan ;)

and glad Dave is doing well ;)

7:08 AM

Blogger Misti said...

What an awesome milestone! WTG Logan!!
and highfive mommy for going with it.
its hard to let them grow up sometimes.

10:12 AM

Blogger Minivan Momma said...

I did the same thing with Sydney just a few months ago. She was so addicted to that thing, I couldn't believe how easy it was! We walked it over to our neighbor's house who was having a baby and Sydney gave her the "gift" bag. That was the end of that!

Kudos to you, momma, for helping him through it! What a milestone. A very sad milestone.

Hugs, Christine

10:18 AM

Blogger Katy said... neice had her until she strated kindergarten. What a great idea to rid yourself of the dreaded pacie. Yeah for the big boy.

11:42 AM

Blogger Christine said...

WTG, Logan! Well done, Jenn!

And don't worry about having a 3 1/2 year with a pacifier! My nephew's four--still has his. Oh, and my niece, 6 1/2--still sucks her thumb. How do you get rid of that habit?? Can't give it to the baby next door!!

3:07 PM

Blogger Amie said...

Sounds like you did it in a way that made him feel in control. His little face looks so determined in that first pic. Way to go Logan!

3:38 PM

Blogger Jstar718 said...

Yeah! Bye bye binki! It is totally amazing what they do when they are ready. WTG Logan!
-glad to hear all went well with Dave-

7:06 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Great bye bye paci party :)

Glad Dave's boys are recovering nicely!!!

9:58 PM


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