The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Update on the crying scene

So, I wavered a bit, until yesterday!
I hate to say I am 'ferberizing' my child seeing I have never read a Dr. Ferber book, but I guess in a way that is what I am doing.
Yesterday at nap he cried 30 minutes.
This morning, 20min.
This afternoon, 10min.

Both morning and noon naps he woke up after 10 minutes and started crying again.
In the morning nap, he cried another 20 minutes.
The noon nap, 4 minutes.
FOUR minutes.

He slept for 2 hrs this morning.
My NON napping baby usually sleeps 40 min at the most, so this was a great improvement.

Do I sound like a robot? Because let me tell you, it IS killing me. I HATE hearing him cry. Another hard thing about CIO with a second child is not wanting the crying to wake up the 2nd child. Especially in the middle of the night. Tonight will be my first night. It isn't putting him down that will be the problem, it will be the 3-4 times each night that I usually give him his pacifier that will be the problem.
I'm praying that at 2:00am when he decides he wants his pacifier that the crying doesn't wake up Logan.

Everything I read says it takes about a week.
My fingers are crossed!

You know what is funny? Having so many moms in blogville going through the same things at the same times. Here are a few other moms going through the CIO process at the same time!
Kether(sortof..not really CIO, but she feels the pain I believe)


Blogger Kether said...

I will be thinking of you. I thank God every night that he goes down at night easily. But THE CHILD NEEDS TO NAP DURING THE DAY OR WE ALL MIGHT JUMP OUT WINDOWS.
(in case there are weird trolls I will not really jump out a window, neither will my husband and of course we won't throw the kids out either)
and holy hell how do they make that noise that comes out of them? truly, the screech is unbearable.

3:39 PM


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