The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Fingers do NOT belong in his mouth

Yes, I'm talking about you...whether you be my mom, my sister, or any stranger who happens to see my baby.
No matter HOW bad you feel for him.
No matter HOW hard he is teething.
And then, when I give you a look (dad) for sticking your fingers in his mouth, please do not say, "my fingers are clean." because you've been sitting next to me for over an hour now reading the newspaper. Your fingers are not clean. Your fingers are IN MY child's mouth...not clean.
And when I give you a funny look (mom) when you stick YOUR hand in Miles' mouth, don't pretend that you are just checking out how many teeth are or are not in there.
I have teething toys, many of them, ALL of his toys can go in his mouth. Your fingers, I'd prefer not.
Now, I know you may see MY fingers in his mouth. You see, this is OK. He is my child. If it were YOUR child, I wouldn't put my fingers in your child's mouth.
Please, from here on out...NO fingers in Miles' mouth!

Who hears me on this one????


Blogger dawnamarie said...

I agree to an extent. Unfortunately, as hard as we all try, Aiden will find a way to get the fingers in his mouth. Be it throwing himself to the fingers/toes(yes, toes), grabbing them and jamming them into his mouth swiftly before you can react, or whatever means he feels necessary. He prefers fingers/toes over toys any day.
I don't approve of people purposely putting their fingers/toes in baby's mouths, that's just rude. It just can't always be prevented.

11:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you've got lots of patience. Most of the times I'm ready to kill anyone who touches my son's HANDS! Because I know that those will eventually end up in his mouth. If someone would put fingers in his mouth, I'd chop all of them up to the elbow and sholve them where the sun never shines...


12:27 AM

Blogger Jennifer said...

Amen! I have had strangers try to do this. Do I look like I want your strange fingers in my kids mouth? NO!

1:55 PM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Uck! I agree- no fingers in my baby's mouth!
When Sophie was little her uncle (teenager) stuck his fingers in her mouth b/c he thought it was funny she would suck on them. I about doubled over heaving after he pulled his fingers out and they were disgusting! Black junk caked under his nails and who knows what else on them. YUCK!!!

2:29 PM

Blogger Amie said...

Okay, I have inherited a very laid back attitude towards these things. Strangers - NO WAY, but my parents wouldn't bother me. Not saying your wrong ,though, for letting it bother you.

3:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh ew!! But if it makes you feel any better, the inside of a newspaper is one of the most sterile things you'll find around the house. Seriously, they say if you have to do an emergency delivery, put newspapers down to avoid infection.

Fountain of semi-useless information, I am :)

And, have you ever had a stranger come up to you and try to hold your baby? That drives me bonkers.. I don't know you, why the hell would I let you take my kid??!!

1:44 AM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Agreed and touching a baby's hands is just as bad because guaranteed they'll be in the baby's mouth in a matter of seconds!

10:49 AM


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