The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

One must make a lot of money to work

I received some pre-school, pre-K info for a couple local centers yesterday.
As I was looking, jaw dropping at the price of 2 morning/week preschool my eyes fell upon the cost of the daycare portion.
Many things ran through my head.
*It must be a mistake
*Is that per MONTH?
*No...there is NO WAY that can be per week!

So, if I were to go back to work, it would cost us $400/week to send our kids to daycare. $1,600 a MONTH!
Luckily that isn't going to happen, but who can foresee the future, right?
THEN, I saw the before school/after school price.
What they do is watch the kids when you drop them off in the morning, feed them breakfast and load them in the van for school. They then pick up the kids from school and let them hang out until you pick them up after work.
That was $96/week for ONE child.
So, we're still looking at $200 (in today's rates, they will obviously be more in 5 yrs) just for an hour before school and 1 1/2-2hrs after school.
Literally, more than our mortgage (minus taxes).

Full time daycare for 2 kids runs almost $20,000/yr here!

So, how do the people who make $9/hr pay for daycare, rent, gas, bills, food, etc....

I can honestly say that I will not go back to work, at least full time, until my kids are able to come home after school by themselves.
How do people do it?


Blogger Simone said...

I wonder the same thing. Of course it's even more expensive here (what isn't) and I seriously don't know how we will manage.

10:03 AM

Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I have no idea it is a racket! amazing how expensive it is but when you break it down hourly it really isnt that much!

10:37 AM

Blogger Anne said...

Are daycare preschools your only option? I highly recommend Discovery Years Preschool on the east side by Laredo's in the basement of Christ Presbyterian Church. It's *just* a preschool with morning and afternoon classes and it's really, really great and only $180 a month for 3 classes a week. The teachers are older than we are and have, like, teaching degrees an' all the official good stuff.

11:12 AM

Blogger Kether said...

I'm not sure how people do it either. I am SO thankful, every day, for our situation, because I can work full-time, but we don't need daycare.

11:57 AM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Crazy huh??!!

12:42 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

I can't figure it out either. Seriously, we couldn't afford daycare. I told my hubby that we would end up paying for me to work! Yah, teacher's salaries suck. I was at the end of my rope one day and told Jeff my desire to return to the land of adults. We then did the math, but being the awesome hubby that he is, he told me it's worth it if it will make me happy. Truth be told, I would miss my kids terribly!

2:48 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Uh yeah. I never made enough to make it worth it.

7:48 PM

Blogger Misti said...

theres no way i could make enough to cover the cost of daycare for us. It amazes me that families can make it work.

1:52 AM

Blogger Linda said...

Daycare costs are crazy!! I don't know how others can afford it either. They must have awesome paying jobs!!

Luckily we are fortunate to have help to watch Alyssa when I am at work PT, so no need for daycare.

10:02 PM


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