The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Remember when I told you about getting cable? How I was completely blown away by how much there was to watch?
Well, I'm basically over it.
I do enjoy the TLC though, very much. (Except, I tuned in for the Messengers last night and actually turned it after 25 minutes. I wanted more of the 'experience' and not the speeches. I guess I didn't know that's what it was about??)

Well, the addiction has been passed from me to Logan.
BIG time.
All he ever wants to do is watch TV. From the minute he wakes up to the minute he goes to bed.
Now, I obviously don't let him do that, but if I said YES, he would gladly sit his butt on that floor the entire day. I'm sure he'd skip meals even.

See, before we had cable, we had PBS. The poor 4 yr old was stuck watching Barney or Dragon Tails. Both fine shows, but not for a 4 yr old boy. He'd get bored, and do other things.
Now there are Power Rangers and 'Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!' (I shit you not. That is the name of the show-say that four times fast)

The schedule goes a little like this.
7:30 Logan gets one show
8:00 Miles gets Sesame steet, but I'd say he only watches about 15 minutes out of the whole thing.
**TV OFF**

2:00 Logan usually gets two 30min shows while Miles is sleeping so I can get a few things done. (aw crap. That sounds like I'm letting the TV babysit. Call the authorities)

TV OFF for the rest of the day, UNLESS I have a screaming child at my leg while I'm making dinner. THEN a 40 minute Wiggle tape goes in.

The kid isn't overweight. He'll drop EVERYTHING to go outside and play with the neighbors. The thing is, when we're INSIDE, he feels he should only watch TV. Screw the toys. (Anyone need anything? I could probably give you a great deal!)

Is my kid the only one?
How do you handle the addiction?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't have cable, because I pay the bills and I hate bills. Less bills=happier me. We hardly watch TV. Like you guys, we watch PBS, we really like Sesame Street. That's about it...oh, and Mr. Rogers. Thomas likes Mr. Rogers.
I think the only way to handle the addiction is to turn it off. It's probably not hurting him though. It can get pretty boring indoors for a 4 year old and it has been, like, 49790857 degrees outside. Same goes for the frozen winter. Don't worry, you're a great mommy!

10:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You handle the addiction just like any other. What kid wouldn't eat candy or cake instead of healthy food any time permitted? As good parents we don't allow them to. Most kids would not get nearly enough sleep if allowed to stay up as late as they want. We make them go to bed. And just as you are doing, we set limits on TV watching (and computer use, etc.) Ours are a little less structured than yours but we just say no when appropriate.

10:17 AM

Blogger Linda said...

Hi, I'm Linda, and I also have a TV addicted child.

She's the same, she'd rather go outside to play, but when we are inside, the TV is her favorite! She will play with her toys too, but she demands her shows. She loves the PBS shows though and her Baby Einstein movies. She's only 2, so she doesn't really understand much else yet. There was a point when she'd tantrum for the shows. She has gotten much better, but I tend to leave the TV off if she doesn't even ask for it, because once it is on, she will start asking for her shows.

I think you've got a pretty good schedule and as long as you stick to that, then Logan will know he takes breaks from the TV. I need to enforce more "breaks". I think that is a great idea!!

5:52 PM

Blogger Info for you said...

I think you are dealing with it pretty good.

I'm pretty bad at letting them watch tv. It's mostly my 8 yr old. she is a major addict. She'll watch Calliou just because it's something on.
My 7 yr old is learning to turn it off when there is nothing to watch.

We do alot of Disney and Nick Jr.

They are allowed to watch Tom & Jerry and that's it on Cartoon Network. We are pretty strict with cartoons cause there is so much crap out there.

We do alot of movies too. It's so darn hot outside so we do watch a little more tv than we should.

7:47 PM


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