The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Amazing what an evening of chocolate tasting/wine drinking can do for you.
We had a little gathering in our back yard tonight with 6 moms in the neighborhood. Each person was to bring something sweet and the hostess had about 15 different types of drinks. Many wines/wine coolers/beer etc...
If you haven't had River Gold and you like sweet wine (and inexpensive) you should try it! Yum.
So, 1 glass turned into 3, and here I am thinking that maybe my tipsy self would have something to blog about.
Really, I don't.
We had Miles evaluated by a Speech Language pathologist this week. Very interested in hearing what she had to say. She's apparently going to email me the report before our meeting to go through it all. Seeing he has no words yet at a few days shy of 18 months, I'm sure he's a bit delayed.
As bad as this may make me sound, I'm SICK of the "ah-ah-ah-ah AH-AH-AH-AH's" over and over. It's almost impossible to decipher one "ah" from another. I'm dying to be able to have him communicate with us. Sure, sign language is helping, but dammit, I want him to be able to tell me he'd like milk or a cracker or UP or down or out or bed or get the picture.
And, of course if there is one child to worry about, there is another.
So, Logan has had this nightwaking/sleep walking thing going on for the past month or so. He's definitely not awake, but his eyes are open etc....but the really strange thing is is that he's SOAKED with sweat. So much so that his pillow is soaked all the way through and he is even soaking completely through his shirt and comforter.
I thought nothing of it really (although I did make an appt for next week)but I decided to 'google' it. (Does anyone else hate this term as much as my husband.) Night sweats don't seem so innocent anymore.
So, we'll see what our trusty doctor says. As much as I respect him, a lot of times his answer is, " you know, I'm not positive on this one....blah blah..blah"
Ah well, such is life as a parent. Always worrying about one or the other. even more exciting news...I made some calls today that might be unexpected to the readers who have been here for a long time. I called to get some packets on adoption. Dave and I are really thinking hard about adoption. Not now, but possibly starting the process in 6 months or so.
Oh, and not a baby...a toddler.
We very well may have a family of five. HELLP and infertility be damned. We'd be playing on our terms this time.


Blogger Info for you said...

You know Jen my son didn't really start talking until he turned 2. He had lots of ahhhh and uhhhh's too. I think it's just a boy thing. My good friend today asked how much R was talking. She just turned 2 and I said not as much as E did at this age....She said ok good....

All kids are diff, he's just taking his time :) Before you know it you'll want him to stop talking :)

Congrats on thinking about adoption. We are thinking the same thing. As much as I want another baby (damn blocked tubes) we are thinking a toddler as well when R gets a little older.

Keep us updated on your journey...hey that's another whole blog isn't it?

11:26 PM

Blogger Amie said...

I can't wait to see where your adoption journey takes you! :D Thats awesome.

8:27 AM

Blogger Simone said...

I've heard,(and as you know I have no kids, so what do I know) but I have heard that teaching kids sign language may not be a good thing as it kind of gives them less of an incentive to try and learn words. You probably have heard this side but in case you haven't I thought I'd share.

Good luck on the adoption route! Very exciting stuff!

10:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My little guy just turned 18 months & doesn't really say anything either....bye bye, dada is about it. Dr. didn't seem to concerned, so interested in seeing what your speech Dr has to say.

BTW...found your BLOG through a search for WI Moms. We are moving there next month, so wanted to get an "inside scoop".

{waving} Hi!

12:00 PM

Blogger Jennifer said...

I think adoption is a lovley idea. I had a hard pregnancy, and I don't know if I want more children anytime soon (Colby Grace is 2). But if we do want to have more i think we are going to take the adoption rout.

11:51 AM


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