The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

You gotta do what you gotta do

One thing I love about toddlers is how honest they are.
Miles doesn't smile at strangers.
He's one of those babies that just looks at you-ok STARES at you.
You can smile at him, wave to him, talk to him, even make those silly high pitched noises and he will NOT smile.
Usually I'm completely happy with his lack of effort to include the lady behind us in the shopping line in our conversation.
The other day we were shopping and this older man was trying SO hard to get even a small smile. He was waving, playing peek-a-boo, even going so far as to tickling his tummy gently.
I said, 'miles, are you going to wave?'
And just like that he shook his head 'no' and looked the other way!

Sometimes I wish I could just be like Miles and other toddlers. If they want to do something, they will. If not, they absolutely will not.
Today, Miles felt like doing this for about 5 whole minutes:

And of course I had to take a picture or two.

I think we could all learn something from toddlers. They just don't give a darn what you or anyone else in the world thinks of them!

Look at my sad SAD version of a button/tag whatever you call it.
Not bad for my first try, but if ANYONE out there is good with that stuff, I'd be eternally grateful if you could help me create a button that doesn't look like you sat and copied an online tutorial! (hint hint)

OK, Tonya not only is super talented, but TOTALLY rocks! If you are now looking at the button, this is the super improved, way better than my piece of crap one! You missed it! Go visit her! Thanks Tonya!


Blogger Tonya said...

That is too cute.. we can all learn something from them thats for sure.. other than the picking of the

Anyway here is a button I made for you... you dont have to use it if you dont If you would like something different please feel free to ask :) I made one animated and one not. You can find them here..

3:31 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

You are so right! I have often thought the same thing.

3:34 PM

Blogger Kether said...

The other day I was talking to a guy while I had Liam with me at work. Halfway through our conversation Liam looked up at him and said very carefully, "BYE!"
and waved

The guy said he could take a hint, and LEFT!

6:38 PM

Blogger Robyn said...

I was gonna say, I like the tag! And the pictures of Miles diggin for gold is great.

8:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the gold mining shot there. Was his quest successful?

Transitioning to WordPress could not possibly have been any easier. You create your wordpress blog. You back up your template (just in case) and log out of blogger. You tell wordpress to import and give it your username and password. You tell it which blog to import... and it gets everything - images, text (most) formatting, links AND all your comments. Then you leave a message on your old blog telling folks where you went.

8:50 AM

Blogger Jennifer said...

How true is this post!! Sometimes I think if we were as honost as our toddlers the world would be a better place!

p.s. the picture is priceless

9:31 AM


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