The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Such fun exciting news

This weekend, my sister got engaged!!
It was a while coming, and we all knew it was coming. My sister didn't know WHEN it was coming, so she was knocked off her feet.
She got a very pretty ring, and is feeling so good and positive.
It's a good thing.
She's had her share (and probably a few of your share) of BAD fish.
Her fiance is a good fish.
He's got his quirks, but we all do, don't we?

So, next May I'll be standing up as the Maid of Honor (or isn't it matron?) and Dave will be an usher and Logan the ring bearer and Miles will attempt to walk down the isle in an adorable tux.
Ahhhh....this is going to cost a fortune! haha!
Luckily I know I won't be wearing one of the horrible possibilities of bridesmaid dresses, as she already showed me what she's thinking.
A very classy strapless-to the calf-beautiful.
And I can never pass up an opportunity to see my hubby all dressed up in a tux.
I can't believe it's happening.

And my wedding wish to them-TWINS!! (they have NO idea what it's like to have kids and always give their opinions, as I guess everyone does who doesn't have kids yet)


Blogger Kari said...

Congrats to them.

And to you - Start saving now. Trust me. My BIL is getting married in 10 days. We've spent so much money for attire for 3 it's not even funny.

12:54 PM

Blogger Odd Mix said...

Congratulations to your sister.

And I speak from experience when I tell you that it is a great day when the opinionated sibling discovers the reality of parenthood. WoooHooo.

But TWINS!?!?! You certainly don't go for the "lite" version of revenge, do you? ;)

12:55 PM

Blogger Robyn said...

That is so exciting! Good luck to Miles!

8:50 AM

Blogger Amie said...

congrats to your sis!

12:26 PM

Blogger Linda said...

Congrats to your sister! That is so exciting!

6:46 PM


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