The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Some advice from me to you...

You think it's a good thing to join a boot camp to whip your post partum ab's into shape.
You go, completely embarrassed that you can only do 19 full situps while everyone else is waaay higher than you.

You continue to go while you learn how to do an '8 count abdominal killer'. Your happy with 5 out of the 8 count, even though you hear the fit chick next to you say, 'that's not bad, that's pretty easy!' (bitch)

You find a modification because you can't get the ab moves they are doing, and you're starting to feel like the special one in the class. The one that the instructor keeps saying, 'Jen, more like this...Jen, lift those abs...Jen, you can do it! Keep it up! Just ONE more!'

You secretly think, what does this 25yr old MAN know about having children and ruining a perfectly good set of abs. NOTHING! Yet, you truck on knowing this is going to be the first step to the pre pregnancy abs.

You work SO hard, sweating your butt off.

You notice one night that you have a bit of a buldge above your belly button. The next night you notice that buldge has gotten bigger.

That buldge, you find out, is an umbilical hernia caused by defective ab muscles that were over worked.

So, all that good hard work really accomplished a trip to the doctor with a referral to a surgeon.
Yep, I get to have surgery all because I wanted flat abs.

Do ya think they can add in a tummy tuck while they are at it? THAT would make it all worth it.


Blogger Kether said...

Holy Cow!

That would *so* happen to me...

I hope it doesn't hurt between now and your surgery.

3:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no :( I guess I have a good excuse to never have flat abs again. I could get a hernia. Writing it on a post it,lol.

Hugs to you and I hope its a quick recvery.

3:50 PM

Blogger suzspeaks said...

Oh my word! I'm so sorry...

I hope you're better soon!!

4:35 PM

Blogger Anne said...

What? Oh no! Does this mean you get an honorable discharge?? :)

10:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actualy, as I understand it, they DO do sort of a tummy tuck! Often the "post baby bulge" is from your muscles lacking tone. But in some women (like you, apparently) the connection between your right and left abs is week and stretches - permanently. You could do situps until your abs were iron and you would still have a bulge. So when they repair the defect they bring those muscles back to the center and the "pooch" (as my wife called it) can go away.

See, there is hope! I hope your recovery is smoothe ans (relatively) painless.

9:37 AM

Blogger graymama said...

My friend is a personal trainer. She once told me that the abs are separated after pregnancy, so it is important to do workouts like pilates to bring them back together before doing any heavy workouts. I hope the surgery goes well! Remember to eat lots of protein afterward to help your body build new cells, so recovery is quicker.

I have what is referred to as the "skin shelf." My belly stretched so much from Buddy that I literally have excess skin that hangs along with some extra poundage :-(

9:24 PM

Blogger Unknown said...


Bellybutton Hernia Twin Powers activate in the form of a young, skinny supermodel!!!!

My bellybutton hernia eventually cleared up on it's own and my doctor just said to watch it...maybe yours will do the same?

8:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really TKW-the doctor specifically told me that hernia's, UNLESS IN CHILDREN, will never go away on their own. It's not possible...hmmmmmmm.....

12:43 PM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

that's no good

8:55 PM

Blogger Jennifer said...

Whoa! that sounds just like my luck! Darn those abs, they screw ya every time!

11:49 AM

Blogger formerteacher said...

I had mine repaired during my second child's c-section birth. I seriously never showed it to my doctor until I was pregnant because as my hubby put it,'That just isn't right.' Nope, it wasn;t.
Now my stomach doesn't have that alien-looking bulge, but it is not flat however. The reason for that is the lovely stretching of skin. It is better though, and no more bulge!
Good luck to you!!!

10:09 PM


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