The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Temper tantrum hell

It is 3:00pm...

Miles USUSALLY sleeps until 3:30pm
TODAY he decided to wake up at 2:00.
2:10 he started crying.
He has not stopped.

He has been screaming and crying and kicking and slobbering for the last 50 minutes.

He's back in bed doing the screaming now because I couldn't listen to it anymore. (Like my house is so big that I can't hear it down my half flight of stairs)

He was made because of the following:

1. He wanted me to stand up and pick him up. I offered my lap because I was sitting. That started the whole she-bang.

2. He wanted me to dry his tears. I did. Then he changed his mind.

3. I asked if I should wipe his slobbering nose. He said no. I did anyway. He got mad.

4. He told me he wanted to go back to bed. I put him there, kissed his cheek and handed him his bear. He threw the bear back at me as more screaming erupted.

5. He said he was better, I brought him a juice box and he went to take a drink and some juice squeezed on his shirt. Meltdown continues.

6. Another begging for me to STAND and hold him didn't work...insert more screaming.

So now, he's in bed...screaming...and if it were ME, I'd cozy up in that pillow and close my eyes again.
3:05-no screaming.

Deep breath. Let the afternoon begin.
3:05 (and 53 seconds...screaming)


Blogger Kether said...

Argh. I just wrote a long comment and it erased!

we are in the same place. the fits are horrible. yesterday it was so bad that i wanted to leave the house. random things set him off and one bout of yesterdays screaming lasted two hours of unholy noise. i told someone today that i can't worry about my career, healthy, baby 2 or anything else until all the screaming stops.

if you have advice could you email me?

9:24 PM

Blogger Unknown said... KNOW I understand.

9:44 AM

Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Oh man I do not envy you!

8:35 PM


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