The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

babies and blahs

Miss Simone is off having her baby!
SOO exciting!
Can't wait to hear what baby monkey is!!

You know how you love someone so much and you don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes you have to?

Dave is off in the southern half of the country where there is currently NO snow. Grr about my snow.
He took a major test today.
He's tried to pass it a few times now.
It's insanely hard.
The compare it to the law boards.
Only about 10,000 people in the whole world have this cert.
I talked to him today.
He felt so-so about it.
Better than the last few times.
He thinks he passed.

The results were still not online when he went to bed (he's an hour ahead and has to get up at 4am tomorrow to go to the airport).
He told me how to log in because I'm nosey like that.

The results are up now.
He failed.

I'm so bummed for him.
He just needed this so bad, you know?
I can't call him because it's 11:06 to him right now, but I wish he was here so I could tell him in person so I could look into his eyes and he could vent his frustration.
I hope he doesn't decide not to keep trying.
But then again, how many times can you try without feeling like the ass of the group? That's how he's feeling EVEN THOUGH not a single one in the group has this cert. It's 'expert' level. He'd be the only one.
It's INSANELY hard.

Ugh! So, I opened a beer and am bumming alone for Dave who is sound asleep thinking he passed.


Blogger formerteacher said...

Oh, that must be so hard for you, knowing that he failed and that he doesn't. Ah...ignorance is bliss sometimes. At least he'll sleep tonight, even though you probably won't. Good for him that he keeps trying. Good luck to you on finding a way to build him back up.

3:42 PM


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