The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Well, the RE is out of the question.
I called yesterday, and there is just NO way we can fork out an average of $5,000 for ONE cycle with nothing guaranteed. Well, the only thing guaranteed is that it would be financially and EMOTIONALLY VERY hard!
We don't have that kind of money!
I'm a SAHM!
I took it pretty hard yesterday, and kindof had a little breakdown. I was too upset to even cry. I finally did what I have wanted to do for a LONG time. I made an appt with a counselor. Someone who I CAN cry to and tell how unfair I feel my life is at the moment.
Dave was a little shocked at first, but is very happy I had the courage to make the appt.
I go in tomorrow morning.
So, my sister, when I told her about the $$ and having to cancel the appt said that if Dave and I needed some time tonight to talk, she'd watch and feed Logan.
We took her up on it. I spilled my guts and we actually had a WONDERFUL conversation about adoption.
We have decided that we will wait out this month and next month and then go for it! 2 months! Dave told me to call some places today and get information packages sent out to us.
I'm amazed!
I told him that when HE feels ready, I'm already ready! How wonderful it was to be on the same page about something so life changing!
So, here I am at day 14...with a possible ovulation coming up, and we are dtd everyday until my chart clearly shows that I have ovulated. Thats all we can do, the rest is up to God.
So, today I will call adoption agencies and had them send out some info!


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