The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Its official! After a couple of drinks, and many tears last night, Dave and I came up with a plan.
IVF is a go!
We are GOING to do it!
There is no question anymore!
We are going to give it our all, and visualize happy positive things and pray it works!!!
We are going to do our lab work soon, and also are calling different hosptials to see what their prices are. We have found 2 really great clinics whos prices are cheaper, but we'd have to travel. One to big deal! And one to Pennsylvania...a little bit more of big deal there! But, if we save thousands....we'll DO it!

IVF...I NEVER thought I would have to do IVF. But, maybe its the adrenalin of coming up with a plan, but I think I feel kindof blessed. How many women get to learn SO much about their body, their reproductive cycle, their SOUL etc...not many! I will be actually giving myself multiple shots, all the time visualizing my new baby. Most women just hop in bed and 2 weeks later get a positive HPT.
I'm amazed that God thinks that I can handle it, but you know what! I think I CAN!

I'm excited and can't wait to get the ball rolling!!!!

Prayers, good thoughts, whatever you can muster up...send them over!


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