The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The medical hell continues...

First, Logan...he has a rash head to toe.
ALL over!
Luckily it isn't bothering him. Doctor thinks (as they always do) that it's viral. Maybe Roseola. He's had roseola before and had a HIGH fever before the rash. He didn't have a fever before this rash so I doubt thats the case.
This is day 6, and more and more little bumps keep appearing. He's starting to cough, and is getting congested yet again! Great, another cold!
**edited to say that Logan is DOG sick today! Sore throat, coughing, stuffy nose, crying, not eating...SICK SICK SICK!**

Second, Miles
He had his vaccines yesterday. 3 shots, 5 vaccines. POOR baby!
Last night he was burning up so I took his temp.
Under the arm it was 101.9, so that really means 102.9. Almost 103!
Remember, 2 1/2 weeks ago we were sent to the ER with a 100.6 underarm, so I figured this would warrent a call to the nurse.
Just treat with tylenol and call back if it gets to 105!
This morning its still 101.6 :(

Next, Dave
When they took out his appendix they found a hernia. Did they FIX the hernia seeing they were in his belly anyway? NOPE! Why? They didn't have permission. I was right down the hall and would have been more than happy to give permission, but I was never asked (Not sure if they would have done it anyway)
Now, we went to the doctors last night for the 'big V' consult (we'll talk more about that later) and the doctor said he can't have his vasectomy until his hernia is repaired. SO ladies and gentlemen, what does THAT mean? Dave has to have another surgery. Luckily they'll do the hernia repair AND the vasectomy at the same time. Its actually lucky on Dave's part as they do the vasectomy without sedation, just a local. NOW he'll be sedated! Who wants a surgery on their you know what without sedation? Surely not something I'd want, so at least he'll have one positive side! That will be next month most likely. (which means more whining and moaning...god I'm a bitch!)

I have NOTHING to report!
USUALLY it is me with all the health problems but I am 100% healthy! Well, not 100% as I feel a head cold trying to make its way to the surface, but I keep pushing it away! I credit it to the flu shot I got for the first time this year. Maybe?
I've also been doing my exercise program except for 3 days when the whole Dave in hospital saga was going on. I just physically couldn't do it.
While the scale has only gone down one pound, my body fat percentage (which is sad to begin with) has dropped 4%! That's 5 lbs of FAT people!
I'm not seeing myself get SKINNY really, but I do see muscles! Especially in the arms and chest. I'd rather see them in the belly/butt/thighs, but I'm sure they'll get there!

So there you have to come, discussions about the big V, and also about my going back to school post. I've come to a decision! I'll share with you next time!


Blogger Stephanie said...

Ack .. I feel for you guys. Hope everyone get's well ASAP. Chip had the chicken pox not long ago .. even though he'd been vaccinated against it so I know what ya mean about the bumps. Can't wait to hear about the going back to school decision and what you have decided. Poor hubby having to have a hernia fixed and a big V at the same time. Poor guy.

3:57 PM

Blogger Kether said...

Yeesh. My prayers are with your guys Jen.

I'm in suspense over your decision! can't wait to hear.

4:43 PM

Blogger ErinMary said...

Geez, poor little guy, and poor big guy!

I hope everyone is feeling better pronto.
I also can't wait to hear about your decision. I'll be going back to school in the future too, probably when the Ryan turns 1.
I've got to email you one of these days about this whole 2 boys business! I've got some things to ask you.

2:25 PM


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