The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Your age when baby came/comes

So I know I don't have the turn out like some of our other famous bloggers who asks a question and gets 200 responses ;)
I was thinking about my age when I had Logan vs. how old I was having Miles vs. how old a lot of my friends are in my neighborhood when they had children etc...
I was 23 when I got married. I Had been dating Dave since I was 18 yrs old, so we were together for almost 5 yrs when we got married.
We planned on waiting a good 3-4 yrs to have children. We were (will be again) big travelers. We'd drop everything to go somewhere new. We went to Austria and the Czech Republic for our honeymoon for 3 weeks. Dave previously went to Europe alone for a month with only a backpack on his back. We didn't require anything fancy. Traveling, while expensive of course didn't cost us as much as it could have.
We had been married for about 4 1/2 months when our 'oops' night happened. A valentines celebration, little protection...boom...pregnant.
Now, before you think that I should have known it would have happened, let me remind you, I never get my period. OK, not NEVER, but maybe 3 times a year. I don't ovulate regularly, or basically at all. Later I would know I have high FSH which is a diminished ovarian reserve...after 8(I think) rounds of clomid only one ovulation occurred.
So, of course we joked about it the next 2 weeks (it was literally the only time we had unprotected sex...ever up to that point!) but with my history, I figured it was absolutely impossible.
I remember so well buying the test. We went grocery shopping and snuck the test in with the groceries. We didn't want anyone to see us buying it! Until the 16yr old cashier scanned it and laughed and showed it to the bagger and HE laughed and then they started a conversation about it...asked if we were old enough(duh!)...what we wanted the result to be etc...
We got home and I went straight to the bathroom while Dave started putting the groceries away. I left it there, knowing it would be negative and started helping with the groceries.
We went to look at it and there it was, 2 lines. We joked (I freaked on the inside) and threw it away. About 5 minutes later I got it out to make sure it still had 2 lines. It did. Dave was in the livingroom watching the Packers, and I sat down and started crying. How could I at 23 be pregnant! I didn't know how to be pregnant! I never thought about it! Dave was so darn perfect at that moment and just was totally happy with the situation. He just was so calm. I'll never forget. Then he went and got a beer out of the fridge and said, "ooh! I guess you'll not be having one of THESE with me for awhile."
Of course I was totally naive and didn't think of all the things that could have happened at that time. Which, to be honest, I'm so glad I could experience it that way the first time. Needless to say everyone was shocked.
By the time Logan was born, I had turned 24 two months earlier. In that short 9 months, we moved out of an apartment and built our house. The whole neighborhood is at least 10 yrs older than us. I remember one day when Dave, I and my mother in law where here checking out the latest updates we met one of our neighbors who thought that it was my MIL moving in. She figured I was the child.
I definitely live in a neighborhood where people chose career first and family later. Which is totally fine as I probably would have done the same.
If we wouldn't have lost our second pregnancy, Logan and that baby would have only been 17 months or so apart (planned)
Now, I am 27 and I can tell you that there is so much different from when I was 24 and a new mother to now when I am 27 and a new mother.
I don't know if it is all the crap that happened in between, but I DO feel so much better prepared for motherhood at this age vs the age I was with Logan.
It could also just be because I had done it all once already...who knows.
I do wonder if we would have stuck to our plans on waiting for 3-4 yrs what would be different in my life right now.
I'm positive we wouldn't live here in this house as it was a speedy 'we can't have a baby in this small apartment' decision. I wonder what career path my life would have taken, and how I as a person would be different.
There are pros and cons for each option.
Each family has their own reasoning for the path they choose, if they have a choice at all. Some feel the college they paid for would be wasted if they had children early, or that they want to define themselves before it isn't about them anymore, or simply that they just aren't ready.
Others feel that they know they are going to have children, no sense isn't important at that time...they'll be young Grandparents etc...and they go for it.
The funny thing is the VAST age difference having children these days. Mothers in their teens all the way up to mothers in their 40's. 20+ year age differences.
When Logan was a baby and I would try to get involved in playgroups I would always stick out as the young one. I never really fit in with women 10+yrs older than me at that time. (I looked younger than what I was. I've been a SAHM Logans entire life, and there weren't many SAHM's here in their early 20's in any of the places I was looking I guess) Its easier now that I'm 27 and not that young anymore. There of course are always older moms at playgroups, and many times younger moms...not always though. But like I said, its easier now that I have more to talk about that we all can relate to. I do fit in for the most part, but many moms still look at me as the 'young one'(there really should be more support for the 'young ones' IMO who don't have many mommy friends and who feel a bit out of the loop...anyway)
I do however sometimes look at my neighbors who ARE 10+ yrs older just now having kids. They've had their career, have nice things that we can't afford and sometimes I'm jealous of that. I wonder if sometimes they're jealous of the fact that we were so young when we started?
Seeing women are having babies at such different ages these days it makes you wonder what it will be like when Logan is in say, 3rd grade and has his best friends. Will the moms fit together and be a part of their childrens friendship or be all over the spectrum and not have much in common?
When Logan graduates highschool, I'll be 41, 44 when Miles graduates. I can't imagine just starting out at that time.
Its a great time to be a mom though, isn't it? We have so many choices and freedom to do just about anything we want...early or late or right in the middle.
So, tell me about your circumstance. Is it what you wanted or assumed your life would be?
How do you feel about it all?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this post, as it is something that my girlfriends and I were speaking about at the last get together we had. We are friends who met in college and have remained friends since. It's harder now, as we can't just say, "let's get together for drinks after work" like we used to since we have sitters and spouses to consider.

The group of us includes SAHMs, a full time work outside the home mom, a part-time work outside the home mom, a still single woman, and marrieds with no kids. The bottom line is that each of us is still slightly jealous of the others. The ones with kids are jealous of the freedom the single ones still have. One of the singles is now regretting the choices she made in her 20s because she is still single and wants the "happy family". The work outside the homes want to be at home and vice versa.

The plus of the "women's liberation" movement of my mother's era is that women have more choices, but none of them is perfect, and none of them are easy.

9:54 AM

Blogger Kether said...

Great post!
Well, I was three weeks shy of 32 when Liam was born. I didn't get married until I was 30 because, plain and simple, I didn't meet my dh until I was 28 and we dated two years before we got married.
In my early twenties I loved being single. I loved being single and buying my house (much smaller than it probably would have been if I bought a house married, but I love it). I loved my job (still do) and for the most part I never thought about what I was missing. Then I met David and all of a sudden it felt like I'd missed out on something great. I started looking at my friends who have ten year olds+ and became very, very jealous of everything about being a mother. I could have kicked myself for not starting sooner (but I didn't have that wouldn't have been an option). Now that we have Liam, I feel I am much more patient than I would have been if I were younger. I don't think I'd have been a great mother at a young age. I think starting now is just right for our situation. On the other hand, I know lots of women who started really, really young and are great moms.
Now we're trying to decide when to have the next one. We think we may want three. Who knows, after two we may decide to stop, but I don't want to wait so long for two that three no longer becomes an option. Who knows how long it will take to get another sticky pregnancy? and while I commend the many women pregnant close and into their 40s..I just don't want to do here I am with a six week old already planning the others.

Incidentally, you guys remind me so much of my Dave and me. We love to travel. We went to Spain and Portugal on our honeymoon. Dave had previously spent a month in Europe backpacking. So when we went for our honeymoon, we just took the plane tickets to Madrid and the Let's go Guide and winged it the whole way. We're hoping to keep traveling with the kids. I'm pushing for a test run to Vegas or a cruise. LOL

Yeesh. Sorry. Didn't mean to write so much.

12:12 PM

Blogger Jen said...

Kether! We also went to Spain when I was 10 weeks pregnant with Logan! We were only there for 10 days, but we should compare notes! I LOVED Spain! We'd love to own a 2nd home there some day!

12:50 PM

Blogger Linda said...

Very good post!!

It is funny how my husband wanted to start our family as soon as we got married, but being 23, I thought it was too young. We needed a house and he needed to make more money (I only wanted to work at most PT).

Gary accomodated, we bought our first house, he got a promotion and a great raise.

And then, I wanted to be married a year, and then I wanted to be 25. And then....

We, well I guess I, decided to start trying have a family. We didn't know if it would take a while or if it would happen right away. Well, it did happen right away and now looking back I can't believe I procrastinated for so long.

Being almost 27 I believe that it is a wonderful time to be a parent. I feel we didn't start too young, but we didn't start to old either. Perfect, I think!

But everyone has their own timelines and planning and such, and it is what works best for each family.

Sorry so long...

Linda :)

1:28 PM

Blogger Kether said...

I loved Spain, too! And Portugal. We were only in Southern Spain
Madrid, Granada, Cadiz, Salamanca (OMG I LOVE SALAMANCA. we conceived our first baby (the "baby that couldn't" as I affectionately refer to it these days) there on our honeymoon.
How'd you like the Czech Republic? We desperately want to go to Prague and we'd like to go to Transylvania in Romania to see where Dave's family comes from and I think I'd like to do those on the same trip.

6:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al was 20 and i had just turned 21 when we got preggers with ondrea, al was in town visiting from college, we hadnt planned on getting married for another year or so after he graduated college, so we ended up getting married sooner... when ondrea was born al just turned 21 and i was 21 also... al had to leave us when she was 2 weeks old to go back to college so he missed out on her being small... but graduated on my 22 nd birthday a few days before ondrea turned 4 months old... we continued to lived with my parents for 3 more months untill we bought our house 9 tenths of a mile from my parents. we were 23 when we got preggers with josh and i was 24 when i had josh al was still 23.

12:42 PM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

I was 30 with Grace and will be 31 with Peanut. For me it's the perfect time. I had time to grow up (well, sort of), have my little career (very little) and get a lot of my "ME" time out of the way. At the same time I feel like when our kids graduate from HS we'll still be in our 40s (albeit just barely!) and young enough to travel and do as we wish.

It's funny...mother at 20 or mother at 40, most people will tell you that the time they had their baby was the perfect time and I think that's what's important. One of the most important parts of being a successful parent is to be comfortable with yourself first. :)

4:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jennifer, please submit a baby sitters article to this baby sitters related website. Its a great way to gain more visitors to you blog.

1:27 AM


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