The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

You never think you will become your mother...

But I'm here to tell you, I have BECOME my mother...

Case in point.
Logan comes up to me with a dime he found.
"LOOK mom! A PENNY!" he says.
I say, "COOL! But you know what? That isn't a penny, its a DIME!"
"NO ITS NOT" (In his super crabby I know everything voice)
"Yep" I say CHEERFULLY, "Its a dime!"
"But MOM! DIMES are BROWN!" in the same 'i know everything voice'.
Now, I could have just let it go, but I didn't.
"Nope Honey, its cool you found some money, but that coin is a dime."
Thats when I said it, "You should listen to your mommy, I know more than you think I do" After I said it I just had to laugh.
Then he went to go potty.
I said, "You better leave that dime on the table in the bathroom so it doesn't fall in."
"It wont fall IN"...2 minutes later I hear tears, "I'm OK mommy...I'm sorry...are you big happy with me?"
"Logan, wheres the dime?"
"It fell in the potty Mommy, and I'm so very sad about that"


Blogger Christine said...

Awww! Well, I guess that we all have to learn that one the hard way, huh?? Very cute story!


9:50 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

LOL .. aren't preschoolers the most fun???

8:08 PM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

LOL Too cute!

And Jennifer- no you don't have an accent! :) However, yes, there are lots of people here who do, that particular phrase though("winter wedder weapons") came from my DH's favorite commercial for his favorite reminds him of his favorite movie, "Escanaba in Da Moonlight" which I'm hopeful that you haven't had the misfortune of watching. :)

9:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!

10:33 AM


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