The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, March 07, 2005

How was you're weekend?

(Thursday, Dave stayed home with the flu..slept ALL day and all night when he wasn't making his frequent trips to the bathroom...Friday morning, MUCH better! Went to work...Friday night Dave went to bed at like 7pm with massive stomach pains...)
4:30am-Was that just my alarm...AHH! I just fell asleep! Oh wait, I was up 2 times in the last 6 hrs feeding Miles...wait! What am I doing waking up??? Oh shoot! I have to go wait in line to sign Logan up for preschool...yes, I had to be there as early as possible to get in line. I got there at 5am (it was COLD as hell!) at I was the 13th person there! the first person got there at 3:05. Oh well, I'll be able to sleep all afternoon. Dave is going to his parents with the kids)
7:00am-got my number and headed home to take a shower before I had to come back to register. Crazy things we do as parents!
7:10--Dave said he felt MUCH better~slept like a champ (wish I could say the same thing...) and I took a shower, fed Logan and headed back in.
8:30am-waited another hour to register Logan, got him in the class we wanted and off I go to have a lazy day at home.
10:00am-Dave starts complaining of stomach pains again. Honestly, I thought he was over doing it and I was a BIT irritated as I just wanted to rest and I had been up al night for 3 nights in a row. He layed down and I took care of entertaining the kiddos...
11:00am--Dave doesn't stop complaining and I tell him I'm taking him in. If his stomach hurts THIS bad that he can't get off the couch, he needs to go in. We call my mom and ask if Logan can nap there. I'm secretly so tired that I just want to close my eyes, but I didn't!
12:00 after dropping off Logan, we head to immediate care. It was lovely. Filled with sick people with masks. We waited in the hallway as we had Miles.
2:00..yes, 2 hrs later(and 3 pukes later by Miles on my shirt) we are seen. After a 10 minute examination the doctor tells us that chances are good its just a stomach flu, but they have to send him to the emergency room to just be sure. Lovely.
We debate not going, but go anyway.
3:00pm...nurse tells Dave if she was a betting woman she'd bet he was having surgery today. sure...right...
4:30pm...we have now seen 5 different people handcuffed and rolled by in beds escorted by police officers. We enjoy the drama and our cranky crying baby. Oh yeah, and more spit up covers my already smelly shirt. So far we're chalking up this day as the biggest wasted day of our lives. I'm also secretly envious of Dave's bed and wish that Miles and I could curl up on it.
5:15pm, Dave is instructed to drink the chalky white stuff and is told he'd be having a catscan.
I go home and get Miles some more formula. I leave Dave laying in bed watch the history channel. I come back to him getting wheeled away.
9:00pm--word is in...appendicitis. He will be having an emergency appendectomy in a couple hours. Yes, really. We were shocked.
9:30pm--we head up to the OR and I am able to stay with Dave until 10:10. 10:10pm--Miles and I head to the waiting room in the LONG empty halls. A LITTLE freaky...I try my hardest not to fall asleep and watch some old SNL.
11:45pm--surgeon comes in to tell me it was more complicated than expected, but they got it out. Dave also has a hernia which will need surgery, but they didn't fix it because they didn't have consent...lovely, huh?
12:00am--I visit Dave for about 5 min in recovery. He wasn't really awake yet, and I knew he would sleep all night, so I gave him a kiss and went home.
12:30am--walk in the house, feed Miles, put him to bed. Wash the bottles and get myself all ready for bed.
1:30am--21 hrs after I woke up, I went to bed.
3:30am--Miles wakes up to eat (and puke on me)
4:30am-back to bed for me...
5:30am--Miles wakes back up to eat...
6:30am--realizing he isn't going back to sleep I take a long hot shower while Miles checks out the pattern on the shower curtain in the comfort of his bouncy chair.
I'm fricking EXHAUSTED.
9:00am--after visiting Logan for a little while, Miles and I get back to the hospital expecting to be picking up Dave. Not the case...he's not reacting well to the drugs and will be needing another full day and night...
I'll spare you the rest of the details, but the include 2 more trips to the hospital, very few hours of sleep and throw in a few exhaustion meltdowns and you get to today. Miles' appt this morning at 8:30 (well baby check) followed by immediate trip back to the hospital to get sleep and a migraine coming on.
Hes resting comfortably in bed, a place I feel I'll never place my head again...
9 recovery from HELLP+Logans 3 1/2 week horrible head cold+Miles week long diarrhea battle+Daves flu turned into appendicitis=one tired, miserable, going to go crazy from exhaustion mommy.
Anyone have extra funds to hire a maid?


Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Man, I FEEL for you!! You know what they say though...when it rains, it pours! It will get better from here!
Maybe you could check yourself into the hospital just to get some sleep. :)

5:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i hope you get some rest soon jen! what a wild weekend!

5:53 PM

Blogger Kether said...

Omigosh honey! I am so sorry! I hope Dave gets well soon and you get some sleep. You guys will be in my prayers.

7:17 PM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Holy cow, what a weekend! I'm sorry to hear that it was so hectic and hope that Dave recovers quickly.

I had to laugh when you said you thought he was overdoing tend to blow every symptom up to be the biggest ordeal, don't they? When my DH gets a cold you'd swear he was dying of pneumonia.

It's for this reason alone that if men were the sex to reproduce we'd be extinct in the next 70 years (morning sickness, prenatal shots/testing, amniocentisis, epidural ("You want to stick that needle where!??!!?"), breastfeeding (OMG, they'd NEVER make it!), etc.)!

8:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeeeez. You poor thing! Hope Dave is up on his feet soon so you can get some REST. Take care x Jen

3:15 AM

Blogger ErinMary said...

Holy hell, what a tough 2 1/2 months you've been having. This has got to be it for a while, right? I expect you've earned a very uneventful, peaceful, blissful couple of years.

9:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi sweetie, it's rachelle. i come to check on you and see this post. . . girl, i'll be praying for strength for you and some peace and relaxation in the days to come.
btw--check out the island or IVF board. have some news :)

7:08 PM

Blogger Linda said...

I am so sorry for such a weekend. I hope that Dave is feeling better and I hope that you got some rest!

I had a similiar situation about a month ago. Except it wasn't my hubby, it was my friend and she also had a emergency appendectemy (sp?). I sat with her at the hospital all night. I especially felt so bad for her because she had just given birth 6 weeks earlier.

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

7:28 PM

Blogger Christine said...

OMG, Jen! That really sucks! I hope that you are doing better soon, and that you get some sleep ASAP!! I honestly have NO idea how you are still functioning! I can barely take care of one baby + myself on lack of sleep.

Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Sending many ((Hugs)) your way!!

8:34 AM


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