The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Twas the night AFTER Christmas, and all through the house
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse....
The children were nestled all snug in their beds...

Need I say any more!

Oh, ok, I'll say it again!
The KIDS are FINALLY asleep!!!

We had a lovely Christmas here.
The kids were of course spoiled like crazy.
A couple of winners this year were the 'Shake and Go Speedway' for Logan which people were spending $75+ on on ebay. (we got it at the store, thank goodness for $38!!)
Also, Logan has been running around saying, "arrr Matee!" (or however you would spell that!) because he got 2 pirate ships, a big treasure chest and a big book of pirate things to make and do.

Miles got lots of cute little baby stuff. Even though he's been walking now for a month, people felt the need to buy him WALKERS. We now own 3. 3 walkers for a family who will never have a newly walking baby again.

I got something I'd been eyeing forever but never would have spent the money on it.
Bare Essentials-who's used it?
I tried it on today and I think I'll LOVE it!

All in all, it was a WONDERFUL Christmas! In fact, the best one so far!
It started with just us for opening gifts, eating lots of 'not so good for you' food, and the outside for some snowman making fun.
Add in hot chocolate and some more goodies and it was a perfect morning.

My family joined us in the afternoon and we opened way too many more presents and stayed up way too late!

I LOVE Christmas.
But, I love that my kids are both in bed right now!
Hope your holiday was just as fun!


Blogger Mama Duck said...

What are Bare Essentials?!?

I knew you'd come back.

Addiction is a tough thing to overcome.

Welcome back ya junkie... ;)

7:28 PM

Blogger Amie said...

Sounds like a great Chrismtas! My son got a shake and go racecar.

12:26 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

My son got the raceway for his birthday in October, and loved it! My hubby picked it out because he found it to be so much fun to play with. I had no idea it had become so hard to get!

Glad you had a great Christmas. Ours didn't go so well as my oldest son woke up at mignight with the croup. He's never had it before; he actually went 8 months without getting so much as a cold. So, of course, he was going to get sick on Christmas for the THIRD year in a row!

9:03 PM


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