The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Do you have patience at the grocery store? I usually do. I go to one that is very child friendly and they have these little mini carts for the kids to drive. They don't turn though, so it's IMPOSSIBLE to turn down an isle without major hassle. I pray when we park that some other miserable mom is trying to push two carts at once so that Logan will not get the chance.
In my opinion, if you don't have patience at a grocery store (when it comes to CHILDREN...more to come) then you should not chose a child friendly one and go elsewhere. Agreed?
So bleh to the older woman who gave my son the look of evil when he couldn't turn his cart out of her way fast enough for her liking. 'Bleh'
But my patience runs thin when it comes to stupid adults who leave their cart in the middle of the isle while they slowly check out the cuts of meat. Yes, that's a good idea. Leave your cart RIGHT in the middle of an isle while you go walk 10 feet away.
And what about workers.
Why must they unload all of the apple juice cans while blocking the ENTIRE go through so that I have to back track down the whole isle WITH the freaking mini cart that doesn't turn. Can't they do that after hours?
Yes, I enjoyed my grocery shopping experience yesterday.
Do you know what else I enjoyed?
Going to walgreens 3 times for one script.
3 times.
One time I walked in and waiting 10 minutes in line for them to tell me it wasn't ready yet. (Despite being called in 6 hours prior) They said 20 more minutes.
That's when I went to the grocery store. I returned in 45 minutes and waited 10 minutes in the drive through. 'I'm sorry, this isn't done yet' was her response.
yes, I was told 20min, and it was 45. Do you know what I was waiting for? An inhaler. One that they don't have to count or mix or anything. Come back in 20 min.
So, I go take the groceries home and come back. I see the drive through is 8 cars long so I park...again...and go in. Both kids in toe of course.
I then wait for 20 minutes in the line.
BOOOOY was I pissed when his script wasn't done.
I refused to leave and get back in line. I said I was waiting right here and not moving. Miles was crying because it was dinner time, Logan was begging for a piece of candy. I was NOT going to the end of the 15+person line.
Guess how quick I got my prescription?
Yeah...I think I'm going to have to start asserting myself more! hee hee!

Loving the weeks where I play single parent due to work taking my husband all the way across country.
How DO single parents do it?


Blogger Mama Duck said...

To answer your question...I have no idea. I think single parenting might just be the hardest job ever.

I would strongly suggest NOT going to a certain grocery store that rhymes with Goodman's b/c the carts are a recipe for disaster. We'll chat over dinner though.

8:34 PM

Blogger Misti said...

I couldn't do single parent hood, i think i would lose it. but then you do what you have to do.

When i have all four with me it never fails i get some disapproval from one person or another.

7:14 PM

Blogger Misti said...

oh and i hear you like Jack i love Jack. He rocks.

7:14 PM

Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I find myself being guilty of the cart in the isle. I dont even think about it sometimes. I just run over and woops.

I try to be more conscience since it is rude.

Damn Walgreens I would have been pissed.

Single parents cant even imagine!

10:06 PM


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