The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Picture it

My husband has been gone 9 out of the last 10 days.
Let me repeat that for you.
My husband has been gone 9 out of the last 10 days.
I have 2 children who are so slobbery gooey sick.
They both have fevers.
Miles weighs TOO much to lug around, but the sweet thing was just so sick.
I'm supposed to pick up Dave at the airport at 5:30 in time for him to come home, eat with us, bathe the kids...HIM, not me...and put them to bed while I finally let out a deep breath and relax.

Dave's first flight was delayed by 20 minutes and when he arrived in Chicago he had to sit on the runway for 45 minutes waiting for a place to pull in.

Dave had an hour layover.

DO the math people. 20 minute delay + 45 minutes on a runway = 65 minutes.

Dave missed his &@(#)!@#(@)#*&&$*&&#^(* flight. (insert exactly what you think I was saying. You were right)

Imagine how irritated I was. I was not in the mood to get off my lazy butt and continue being the only one in charge of 2 sick kids, but, I did it.

Luckily he is only 2 1/2 hrs away by car, but after 9 days alone with 2 kids I was just SOOO ready for him to come home.

Thank GOD my kids are now snug in their beds and I just cracked open a much needed bottle of wine.


Blogger Amie said...

Oh! Thats rough!

7:04 AM

Blogger Mama Duck said...


Well, *&^$&#%^@ it! I think we need a girls' night out...although I think that if I had a rough day emptying the dishwasher or if I break a nail, but still. It's valid.

10:26 AM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Good lord girl, I don't know how you did it for 10 days!
I can barely get through 10 hours with my kids alone.

Time for a few nights to yourself!! or at least with someone other than the kids.

1:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

UGH!! So glad he's home. Don't know how you did it. I hope you got more than a bottle of wine! :)

5:07 PM

Blogger Kari said...

Wow... you just cracked the bottle of wine??

1:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jenn!
It's Erin from imaginary lines.
I am trying to contact everyone to say that I'm back after 5 and 1/2 months w/o a computer.
I have set up at typepad...I began my first blog the first day of my pregnancy, and ended it with Ryan's birth story. It seemed like a good time to leave it as it is...
I am looking forward to catching up with your blog, I haven't had the time to do so yet. Miles must be such a big boy now!
I hope you'll stop by.


4:47 PM


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