The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The temperature outside is -11 right now.
With the windchill, it feels like -27.
TKW had the right idea when she packed up to go to Texas this week for the Big Blog Blowout, or whatever they are calling it.
It would be the perfect day to stay inside and do nothing except for the fact that I haven't left this house since Wednesday. That outing was only to the doctors and the pharmacy.
I'm sure you can imagine how CRAZY I am going and how much my lungs are BEGGING for some fresh air. Unfortunately, with the weather as cold as it is, I don't think the old lungs will be too pleased!

I watched Wife Swap last night. OK, what a FREAK! I couldn't help but think that she was acting! It's funny how she 'REBUKED the money in the NAME OF THE LORD!" but changed her mind after seeing she got $20,000 for the Gastric Bypass surgery she'd been wanting. So, it's OK to get that from the dark side, right? Imagine how hard she prayed before getting put under.

So, as much as I'd love to go out and have some me fun, I'm off to a preschool festival fundraiser where I'll spend many dollars on stupid games. I'm sure it will be a blast! Luckily Miles gets to stay home nice and warm with Grandpa!

OK, this MUST be the most boring post in the history of boring posts! Must think of something interesting while I"m watching children eat too many sweets and argue over prizes!


Blogger Simone said...

I wouldn't leave the house either. We don't go out when the temp is 25 degrees or lower. -11? HELL NO! Enjoy your warm house!

And I saw that Wife Swap. I love that show. It's amazing how some people live and think. I think she was for real. Such a freakin' nut case. But people will do anything for money.

10:10 AM

Blogger Christine said...

lol, you are so funny! I hope that you are all feeling better. Hopefully you will get some warm weather soon so that you can enjoy being outside!

1:13 PM

Blogger momma of 2 said...

I know what you mean - we have been home all weekend - it's just too cold to go anywhere.

3:38 PM

Blogger Kether said...

Holy cow. Way to cold for my california blood. I'd die.

9:04 PM


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