The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

End of the road

Dave is 6'3" tall. We knew Logan would be a big boy when he was born at 8lbs 13oz and 21 1/2 inches long. May I remind you, I'm 5'3". I was huge.

So, Logan has always been waaay bigger than boys his age from birth. At 12 months of age, he was wearing 24month clothing. It was always double what he should be wearing.

The last year or so, he's really starting to thin down. Still a good 7lbs heavier than the average 4yr old and about 4 inches taller than the average. (Going by growth charts)

Last year, Logan's summer t shirts were size 5T. I bought almost all of them at Target. You know, the Circo brand. $4.99/shirt. They're actually really cute! I also stocked up for the fall too. I've noticed that the few Circo brands he has are getting way too short in the arms and belly.
His size 5T embarrassingly short.

Do you know what that means? No more cutesy toddler shirts. We're moving up to the BOY section.
Now, there are good points and bad points about the boy section. The bad? UGLY STUPID shirts. Stupid! Something that I could see, say, a 10 yr old wearing. NOT my 4yr old.
The good thing, style.
I'll admit it, I'm cheap. If I can find cute clothes for a cheap price, I'm taking advantage. I found those deals at Target.
I went to said Target this weekend in search of a new pair of jeans for Logan. Apparently all of them decided that this was the week to rip in the knee.
I went to the BOY section.
I hated many of the things that I saw. I think I need a new store.
I did find though an awesome pair of jeans.
*Side note, size 5t is actually much smaller than size 5boys. I had to buy size 4's*

Now the hunt is on. No more cutesy toddler boy Logan. We are moving on to big boy, cool Logan. ;)
I just have to find that store that has good deals and more than just stupid t shirts. Let the hunt begin!
If by some strange chance I have any other HELLP mama's pass through, there are 2 studies going on. They are researching future health problems of women/baby's with hellp and also doing a genetic study.
I am so happy to be participating in this study, so I wanted to pass the word. (Go to patient surveys)


Blogger Unknown said...

I saw on the news last night that they are keeping the clinic open! Huzzah, huzzah!

Sorry your baby is growing into a boy. Maye you should stop feeding him?

3:08 PM

Blogger Info for you said...

Sometimes Target has some decent "big boy" shirts there that don't have crap on the front.

Walmart sometimes has some decent ones too....

I've managed to find a few at sears as well.


4:16 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

Oh, Jen! I am with you on this! My oldest is moving to the 'boy' section this year! UGH!!! Oh and you are so right about the ugly t-shirts that a teenager would wear, not a preschooler. YUK! We'll just have to watch the sale-papers, huh?
Oh, I LOVE the Circo t-shirts. I bought my oldest the turtlenecks too. My son was 8pounds, 10 ounces, 22 inches at birth. I am only 5'4" tall, so yes, I was enormous too! He's a skinny minny now, which has made clothes shopping even more fun! Ahh.. but he's a cutie.
Any ideas on where to find an Easter outfit for boys? I'm having a hell of a time

4:18 PM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Children's Place is pretty cheap and has cool clothes

8:44 PM

Blogger Misti said...

I saw really cute big boy shirts at target this week.
my 6 y/o still wears 5T but thinking this summer we will have to move on, thats why i noticed the shirts.
but most my boys shirts are from Gymbo and gap,only the sale rack ;)

11:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love all these feet pictures (I'm big on feet) I don't have children but I'm always finding myself in Children's Place because of the adorable clothes. When they have sales - they have great sales.

8:57 AM

Blogger Amie said...

I was heartbroken when I had to leave the toddler section. Its older boy section is so...skateboardery. LOL

12:26 PM


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