The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I wonder what it's like to always be right.

Mom, what does L-O-O-K spell?


Look?? ...... No it doesn't!!

ok. whatever.

Mom, what is paper made from?


No it's not. It's not made from Trees!!

ok, if you say so.
Mom, what is 12 plus 17


No it's not!!

Where's Dad today?


No he's not.

ok. you're right.

No I'm NOT!

Mom, who's your mom?

Grandma Sue!

What? No she's not!!

She is! I promise.




Blogger Me said...

ROTFL... I love this post. It brought back a million memories but it's something most Moms don't really think about mentioning or talking about to friends. Even if it DOES happen every day! :)

4:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my! :)

Love these posts, and you're so good at them!

9:41 PM

Blogger Misti said...

LMAO!!! what a cutie.

1:48 PM

Blogger Anne said...

I'm convinced there's a preschool-age collective unconscious out there that our kids are tapped into. Mine does the exact same thing to me. I'm NEVER RIGHT. Even when I am.

8:39 PM


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