The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nothing can beat it!

Having parents that truly love you that is.
So, my birthday was great. Almost.
Dinner was great (Red Robin-Fiesta Pollo Salad-YUM)
My parents AND my brother came.

My parents secretly told the server it was my birthday. (And it was a secret even! I was shocked)
The boys ate my ice cream in about 2 minutes flat.
We came home for cake and ice cream and my parents even brought presents.
In Christmas wrapping paper.
It was great.
15 minutes later, Dave and my brother left for their last softball game.
I just wanted Dave to WANT to stay home, you know?
Oh well.
I got a kick ass sewing machine to learn to sew on, and a few things from my parents.

I got to hear Logan sing to me and Miles clap for me.
I got to receive a big hug from my dad.
I got to watch my mom read a book to Logan. The same book she read to me growing up.
I really am blessed and when I look at all the blessings I've received in 29 years I am thankful.

THEN, this morning I got to wake up to a feverish child with an ear infection. I got to watch the doctor (walk in clinic) gawk at how Miles doesn't talk. I got to watch her move his chin up and down while she said bye bye hoping that THAT would help him realize he must say the words. Why didn't I think of that?

But, tonight I get to go rock climbing. How awesome is that?


Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I am so glad you had a great birthday. Keep us posted on the learning how to sew!

I need to learn!

Sorry about that obnoxious doctor that was just plain rude!

12:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!
OMG--what an idiot doctor. Oh boy, do I know the gawk and know it well.
One pediatrician was thrown for a loop because I asked her to refer us to a speech therapist. She didn't know of one! God help us all.

1:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

I'm glad for the good time you had.

2:50 PM

Blogger Me said...

... a sarcastic snort at the doctor.

3:15 PM

Blogger Robyn said...

That sounds like a really nice way to celebrate your birthday!

4:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a nice birthday.

I hope the little one is feeling better. At least he was nice enough to wat untill your birthday had passed ;-)

6:37 PM


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