Is it just me?
The world loves her.
She sells a gazillion books.
Her recipes are wonderful.
Her shows are wildly popular.
Am I the only one who isn't a big Rachel Ray fan?
I want to like her, I really do!
But then she says things like EVOO and Chicken Parm and it just annoys me.
So, I've seen bits and pieces of her new talk show. I thought that this might make me like her despite the feelings I have.
I was SO wrong!
The thing is, we've got incredible personality conflicts.
She's loud, in your face, outgoing.
I'm not.
But I don't think that's it! Because I am friends with loud in your face outgoing people.
There is just something about HER that annoys the crap about me.
Perhaps it is her use of wording, again the 'EVOO thing'. The 'parm' thing.
Is it just me?
I don't know about you, but I especially hates it when she says things like "Dee-lish!"
4:15 PM
She annoys the crap out of me as well, I just so want to like her though!
9:30 PM
I'm odd man out. I LOVE her! LOL
I have one of her cookbooks and the receipes are really good and easy to follow.
She is a bit too chipper at times though! Sometimes you just don't want to be so hyper!
10:55 PM
David and I make fun of those sayings, but I LOVE watching her cook. I don't know what it is. She is just so cheery and has those cute little dimples.
And her cookbook rocks!
8:11 AM
I think its the scratchy, raspy yet peppy voice. The peppiness kills me.
I can't take her either. And I *AM* loud and in your face.
2:19 PM
I'm sorry...what's EVOO?
I see her everywhere but have no desire to watch someone else cook...unless they are at my house cooking something I will eat.
Then, then I'll watch.
3:34 PM
Like fingernails on a chalkboard. You are not alone.
4:14 PM
Your are not alone....I can watch her but only if I imagine myself hitting her over the head with a frying pan whenever she says EVOO, or any other annoying term. I read an article about her where it jokes that you can make a drinking game out of her "quirks". I do like what she makes but my goodness lady tone it down a bit.
12:47 PM
OH and the EVOO really only annoys me because its not Just EVOO...its "EVOOO, that's extra virgin olive oil"
Come on you say it EVERY show...sometimes more than once...WE GET IT!
12:49 PM
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