The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Pregnancy and other life updates...

per request by Christine. :)

I am 10weeks pregnant now! Can you believe it? I am 1/4 of the way through!
I don't want it to go too fast, because this is our last child.
The nausea got SO much better with my Phenagren. It worked WONDERS! I also think that getting the IV helped a ton too because I was SO dehyrdrated that I was probably feeling worse than I should have. Getting the fluids pumped in me, and then medication to help the vomiting helped SO much! SO much so that I was able to stop the medication about a week ago. I was doing great too, until last night! I think I had a migraine. I had the WORST eye pain, and behind my eyes. The only think that helped was a cool washcloth pressed on my eyes. The light was killing me. We have no window treatments in our living room (because we just have farm fields behind one can see in) and the sun couldn't go down fast enough. I ate some of my left over icecream from the night before, and tried to go to bed.
I had to get up 3 times to get sick after I layed down, but then I slept pretty good. I still have a headache this morning though. So, that may or may not have been pregnancy related.
My belly is GROWING! REALLY growing! I wasn't in maternity clothes FULL time until 20ish weeks with Logan. Started wearing some pants at about 17-18 weeks, on and off.
I've already worn a whole maternity outfit last week one time, and then I got a pair of half panel shorts from Old Navy, and have been wearing them ever since! They are great! There was no such thing as half paneled pants when I was pregnant with Logan (at least I don't think!)
I am going to just break into them slowly I guess, its early, but I'd rather be comfortable then stuffed into something that doesn't fit!
I'm still really tired! But, thats OK because Logan still naps everyday at noon for 2-3 hrs. I can get a quick 20-30 min nap and feel much relief!
Eating was going MUCH better, but lately its hard again. Smells are getting to me, textures are getting to me, appearance is getting to me.
The thing I'm craving every day now is salad! Salad with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese, croutons and homemade italian dressing...YUM! I also have this yummy BLT salad recipe (let me know if you want it!!) So, our grocery store trip in a couple minutes will consist of mainly the produce section. Which is great!
I'm feeling a lot less stressed with this pregnancy.
I guess there will always be that fear in my head, and I'm sure it won't go away until I hold this baby! I still have a REALLY hard time BELIEVING I'm going to have a baby too, but instead of stressing about it, I'm going to just put it in Gods hands. Let him be in control! That is the hardest thing, and after a crying session the other night with Dave, I told him that is the hardest thing for me, NOT being in control! I NEED to be in control with everything around here that to just sit back and let nature take over is really not in my nature.
But, that is the plan, for now at least.
Dave is almost done building Logan's swingset. Its so funny! Dave went from NOT wanting an ugly swingset in our back yard to building one with 2 slides (a tunnle slide AND a bumpy slide) and each slide has a tower, it has a roof, and 4 swings! For ONE little boy! Logan just LOVES it though!
I think strangers think we are awful parents though because his poor little legs are SO brusied from going up and down the ladder and the slides etc...he is becoming a little crazy-man!
We are also getting in a lot of fun at our local aquatic center. We bought season passes for our family, and it has been nothing but good for Logan. He's a little timid with the water, so having it readily available to go whenever we want is just great for him.
He still won't come close to dunking his head, but he DID dunk his chin! That's a huge accomplishment for him.
All in all, our life is rather normal at the moment. Can't beat that right?

I am so glad to see that Courtney Cox had her baby girl. while I'm not sure about the name...cocco?...she inspired so many people with the way she talked about her infertility and multiple losses. She showed the world that it was OK to have fertility problems. That there was nothing WRONG with you if you couldn't sustain a pregnancy, or if you had to do ART. She owned up to everything, and in doing so, many infertile women or women who have experienced loss held her hand and prayed for her and her baby. She made it feel like she was no different than all the other women in the world who wanted a baby and had a hard time getting there.
UNLIKE other celebrites...cough.cough...julia roberts, where "twins run in her family" ass! But thanks for thinking that you are too good to admit to your several failed IVF cycles, and that you just happen to know at 9 weeks that you are pregnant with a boy and a girl...but to each their own! I'm extremely happy for her too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on being 10 weeks! That's wonderful, 1/4 way there! I'm glad you're feeling better, and your baby belly is growing. :) I grew a lot faster with this pg than with my son too. I think those first babies stretch everything out so the next baby doesn't have any resistance from our poor tired muscles and they pop out early.

I tried to comment on what you wrote on Wednesday, but for some reason it didn't let me, so I'll do it here. I TOTALLY know what you mean about not being able to really bleieve you're pg. I went through the same thing with my pg, and I'm still experiencing it to a point, and I'm 33 weeks! It's totally normal, a form of self protection. For me I just took my time. I have 7 weeks until my due date and I'm just started to get really into it, getting her room ready. But as I clip the tags off of her clothes to wash them, sometimes that nag in the back of my head says, "should you really be doing that?" I then tell the nag to shut up and continue to snip those tags. This baby IS coming home, and she needs her clothes washed before she gets here. :)

Take your time, and do what you're comfortable doing. The great thing about pregnancy lasting 40 weeks, is that it gives us 40 weeks to get used to the idea that there really IS a baby in there.


10:55 PM

Blogger Jen said...

How great to see you here!
Gosh, I can't believe how far along you are! Your pregnancy is just flying by!! (To me anyway!!)
I think your advice sounds perfect!
And I know you have been there, so thank you for taking the time to write to me. It means a lot!
I can't wait to see what you are having (do you know?)
Keep in touch!!

8:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heheh, I can't believe I'm this far along either. On Friday I'll be 34 weeks! How did that happen? We just had an u/s last week, and she's still a girl! We're super excited. :)


2:52 PM


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