The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Walking aimlessly through the grocery store...

grabbing things that made no sense to grab. I spent almost $50 and got a bunch of NOTHING.
All that I could think about, and still think about was my doctors appt today.
Lets go to the good news first. Heartrate is in the 160's still. I FINALLY had my first pap of the pregnancy. Everything seemed fine, despite my anxiety of Dr. Ty (or so we'll call him...after Ty Davis, his look-alike!) doing a pap.
We talked a bit about my itching, and he gave me some warning signs to look for (yellow eyes, upper right abdominal pain...) and told me to take benedryl.
He gave me a 'perscription' for physical therapy for my sacro illiac joints, and we also made my U/S appt for 2 weeks.
All in all a good appt, right?
Then, we went over my Triple Screen results.
2 of them were FANTASTIC! Now, I don't remember what my exact risk was supposed to be for them, I believe for the Trisomy and Spinal Bifida (right?) it was something like 1:1000 from my age (I could be TOTALLY wrong with that number) but it jumped up DRAMATICALLY to 1:10,000 for both of them! Great, huh? downs syndrome WAS at 1:1100(or was it 1,400) just by my age group (I think!) and after the blood test, it was dropped to 1:350.
STILL! I KNOW that is good...but that is what the average result is by age of a 35 yr old. Then I get thinking about me and my bad eggs, and if my bad eggs could cause something like this. It is the eggs responsibility I believe that causes downs.
He then checked my uterus and saw that I was measuring large for dates(I didn't ask how large), and said that COULD be a soft marker. He started talking about doing an amnio if that is what I wanted, but to realize there are real risks to doing those also. He said that they would be able to look for a couple 'soft markers' in my u/s, but that they probably would be inconclusive. But we decided to wait until we do the u/s to see what that brings before we make any decisions on an amnio.
Now, again, I KNOW that 1:350 is still REALLY REALLY good odds this pregnancy will not result in a downs baby. But, when it dropped SO dramatically, its scary!
I have a headache from worrying about it all, and I feel sortof like I'm walking in a fog.(that COULD be from the couple hrs of sleep I had due to Dave having to work in the middle of the night in the 'office' which is right next to our room...Logan hearing him, and waking up, and then daves phone ringing at 5:00am) I have to go do some research (bad me!) and see what I could be looking at.
Oh, and I'm spotting after the pap. Normal too, I know, but none the less, irritating, and not something you want to see.
So, on my way home I stopped to get a big sub (veggie! healthy right? with all the cheese..hee hee) and TWO chocolate chip cookies!
Me and my frazzled mind deserved it today.
Whats everyones experience with an amnio?
What would you think in this situation. Realistically, not just to calm the crazy pregnant woman down...please!


Blogger Christine said...

Hey Jen,

My OB wants me to get the triple screen, too, but I'm not sure that I want to . They aren't accurate! From my research, they are iffy at best. I would suggest that you ask for a level 2 u/s, which should give you more answers. Have it read by a radiologist.

I will certainly continue to keep you in my prayers. Take a deep breath. I wish I could give you a hug in person!

12:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree... the level 2 u/s will be best first... prayers comming your way jen!!! try not to worry!

1:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh. That's no fun. But you seem to have a great perspective on it. The test is just a screening - not definitive by any stretch. Ask if you can have your next ultrasound done by a perinatologist, or someone with rockin' u/s machines and skills.

I would hold off on the amnio until you get the next u/s results. That way you'll have a chance to form a gut instinct about this whole thing. And hopefully a chance to see that nothing is wrong.

If you do opt for an amnio once all is said and done, just prepare yourself. It's not painful nearly so much as scary. From what I've heard, women who know they're going to get one say it hurts less than they anticipated.

Not so for me, but I was in the middle of a bit 'ol freak out. Also, ask if they can use a topical analgesic to numb your skin a bit.

I'll be praying.


5:02 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Triple screens are notorious for high false positives ... A level 2 ultrasound or a quadscreening are much more reliable. I am very uneasy about amnios .. the chance of miscarriage to me defeats the other purpose.

12:00 PM

Blogger Jen said...

yes yes yes Melissa!
Remember, your talking to the girl without cable! I only see him on extreme house makeover. I guess I got his last name screwed up with someone else!
But YES! THAT is the Ty I am talking about! :)
And girls,
I'm feeling MUCH better about everything too girls!
Heck! Thats not bad at all!
349 will NOT have downs! Thats a LOT of babies!! :)

9:21 AM


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