The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

bathroom floors

So, I watched Wifeswap last night. I've seen it one time before, and thought it was pretty funny, but haven't seen it since. Its one of those things where I KNOW I have better things to do...anything...than sit and watch a show like that. But, I felt the need to veg last night, and it was on. Anyone watch it?
There was a vegetarian/medatation/non house cleaning mom who switched with the cleanest woman in the world! She also was a big meat eater(of course, seeing she's switching with the veggie)...well, lets just say the amount of chicken nuggets she allows her son to eat (looked to be at least 20) without ANY vegetables or fruit! yuck!
But really, the point of this was to mention her wonderfully clean house.
She is a SAHM, and apparently it said she cleans her house for FIVE hours every single day. (her kids are in school all day) Now, I like to think my house is clean, but the truth is, its kept...its not eat off the bathroom floor clean.
So, today I thought, I'm going to clean clean clean and see what I do and how long it takes me. I vaccumed every nook and cranny. (under the stove, behind the refridgerator...the things you don't do every time) and I swept, mopped, did the bathroom floors, washed the windows, dusted, did some laundry...and I did all this in a matter of 2 hrs WHILE playing with Logan on and off.
What on earth could a woman do for FIVE hrs a day...EVERYday!
So, while I was cleaning, the thought came to my head. I wish I could afford a house cleaner. A cleaner to come once a week and do all the down and dirty things I'd rather not do. Things I'd rather not do especially while pregnant. Then, as I'm entertaining this idea, I thought, what could I do for a small amount of income per week so that I could personally afford to have a housecleaner come and clean my house for me?
Unfortunatly, I came up with nothing.
So, THEN I thought, how great would it be for my husband to try to plan ahead for when I'm in the hospital having this baby to have a house cleaner come to the home so that when I walk in, it will be spotless! (Anyone want to email him...hee hee!)
And THEN I realized how silly I was to be having this internal conversation with myself! :)
Maybe someday I'll have a home that I can eat off the bathroom floors, but then again...why would I want to eat off the bathroom floors!
Make me feel better! How clean do you keep YOUR house!
While we're at it, question # 2.
As you probably guessed, if I could have a weekly luxery that I didn't have to pay for, I would say having a house cleaner come would be it.
(although I can think of a million a weekly morning out by myself, a weekly date night with my husband, a weekly massage...)
If YOU could have a weekly luxery that you didn't have to pay for, what would it be?


Blogger Kether said...

I had the same discussion with myself last night--exact same. Including the "wouldn't it be nice if he hired someone to clean the house while I was in labor" part.
That house on wife swap was CLEAN. I know someone online who is a SAHM and cleans for five hours or so a day as well. I'm *not* that person. (Incidentally, I've never seen the show before. Just one episode of trading spouses, but I was GLUED to that one last night).
I wish I could get my house as clean as that house was, but I just dunno if I could. 'Course being pregnant I want everything SPOTLESS but I just can't get up the oomph to do it. I way overdid it Saturday.
I think I might hire someone once a month to "deep clean" and do the rest m'self. That wsa my conclusion.

4:32 PM

Blogger Jen said...

Kether, too funny that we had the SAME conversation!
Great minds think alike! heehee!
Sanora, I have a friend who lives in Russia who says the help is SO cheap!
I'm totally jealous of that aspect! (although, I can't say I'd like to live without a dryer!!)
And I'm with you, I can find MUCH better things to do with my time!

12:50 PM

Blogger Christine said...

I've been keeping my house pretty clean lately. I have to since we are trying to sell it and a prospective buyer can call to come by at any moment. But I do have help. I have someone that comes in every two weeks to clean the big stuff, and it is totally worth it! Granted, I have to clean in between her visits, but even to only have to clean half the time is a plus.

Hmmm....a weekly luxury...that's a good question...maybe a manicure/pedicure??

1:27 PM


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