The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Still here! Still pregnant!

but just oh so tired!
I just have nothing exciting to post about today.
We took L on the hospital tour yesterday so he would have a familiar setting when he came to visit us. It was great! CUTE! A little bit sad too! I delivered L at the same hospital, so to go in a room again for the first time since then tugged at my heart strings.
I started contracting regularly on the way home and within the hour they were every 3 minutes. For HOURS. A bath (and a shower!) did nothing by slow them down to every 5 minutes.
I was sure it was it...but alas, again, it wasn't.
Something different is happening this pregnancy than with L...I'm LOOSING weight! 2 lbs so far! woohoo! Not complaining though! That puts me back down to 28 lbs!
I hate to be so boring, but ladies, life right now is just blah! It's cold as HELL outside...wait, that doesn't make a lick of sense! On Christmas Eve it will be a HIGH of 8 degrees. I HATE that weather, especially when you are SO large you can't zip your coat up anymore.
I'm craving cookies...LOTS of holiday baking, and I didn't bake anything, and my MIL (who lives 5ish blocks away) made 6 batches and is keeping them shut until CHRISTMAS EVE! Does she not realize there is her daughter in law who is 9 months pregnant who NEEDS COOKIES! It is not a want, it is a NEED! ;)
Oh, I no longer have fingers that bend...nope! they've turned into little fat sausages.
Other than that, my brain is fried...mush...maybe I'll have something exciting to say tomorrow?


Blogger Kether said...

I've been dying to know how you are. I've been checking.
They should feed you cookies. Its really inhumane to keep them from you.
Thinking of you..

8:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is great fun to read all these good blogs. Your's is very nice. I have been looking for information about is oatmeal allowed on a low carb diet and have not really found it anywhere but here:

Has anyone else seen it elsewhere?

9:02 AM


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