The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

just a quick check in...

yes, I'm still here. I'm officially overdue. Yay for a job well done, don't you think?
40 full weeks.
I'm proud of my body!
That said, lets get on with the show!
Really, its been a hard week. For some reason, I'm getting really sick at night.
Every other night it seems. Last night was night number 3. (really 5 because the 2 nights in between I wasn't sick)
I wake up around midnight with HORRIBLE cramps. I guess its like gas pressure that has no where to go. I can't sit, lay, stand, crawl or do anything without being in horrible pain! Then, after about 2 hrs the vomiting begins. Last night was so bad I thought I'd burst a blood vessel or something.
The first night we went to L&D and was told I had a stomach bug. But now, seeing its coming every other night, I"m assuming its not a stomach bug.
I'm up for a minimum of 4 hours. Freaking out. Taking a bath or a shower or trying to find a place where the pain isn't so bad. Alone as I don't want to keep Dave up and REALLY don't want to wake up Logan.
Its not easy. I'm a baby when I'm sick and I get scared being sick when I'm pregnant. What if the pressure is hurting the baby? What if the vomiting is hurting the baby?
Getting no sleep isn't working for me either. Literally last night I had 2 hrs of sleep.
Any ideas on what you think could be happening?
Happy new year to everyone! Mine was just great! I was IN BED by 9:30, asleep shortly after (because the night before I got no sleep due to being sick) and Logan actually slept until 7:30. I only got up 3 times to use the bathroom! Do the math people! That's a GREAT night sleep!
I had no toast at midnight...didn't watch the ball drop...actually went to bed and left Dave watching the movie we rented. (Which I finished yesterday...Man on Fire...Good movie!)
Life is so different when you get 'old'! haha!
Well, I'm off to try to nap while Dave is out with Logan for a couple hrs.
I hate hate hate feeling sick when I know that at the most, I only have 5 more days with just me and Dave and my little man. Don't even get me started there.
I'm going to be asking moms of more than one some advice here soon. So, if you are a mom of more than one, stay tuned. My heart is just aching at the emotions that are coming into play at the end here.

So, if by some small chance I go into labor before I update next, I'll update you from the hospital if I can figure it out! Dave has to bring his laptop anyway for work purposes...just in I'll try to figure it all out!

Again, happy new year everyone!


Blogger Stephanie said...

I hope and pray that you will go into labor ASAP!!! Quick and easy labor vibes coming your way!!!

11:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm Katie from I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant and went thorugh the same thing you were last week! I had the stomach pain and the shoot me and get it over with pain and cramps, vomiting. I modified my diet a little bit, did the bland things if I could keep that down and it seemed to help me but I was sore as heck for days and still am. I guess it was some stomach bug but it manifests different when we are pregnant. Mine was at night too. HOpefully you feel better soon!

1:27 PM

Blogger Kether said...

Boy Jen can I commiserrate with you on the sick thing. I've had this dratted cold for three weeks and it just seems to be getting worse and I can't sleep and haven't slept with David in five days--coughing has pulled all the muscles in my abdomen and I just fear that the coughing is going to hurt the baby.
I hope yours goes away PRONTO so that you can have that baby and feel WELL when he comes out!
You know I have no advice for the mother of more than one, but I can imagine how hard it must be. I hope that you feel better so you can enjoy your two men before you've got three.
As always you are in my thoughts and prayers and I'm anxiously awaiting your baby boy.

1:56 PM

Blogger Christine said...

Hey Jen!! Happy New Year!! I'm glad to hear that you are hanging in there. Sorry about feeling so ill. It really does sick to be sick while pregnant. I've got a miserable cold right now, and I can't sleep at night.

Anyway, I don't have answers for you. But I wanted to let you know that I check in on you often, and I think of you always!!


7:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to be the first one to congratulate you & Dave & Logan on the birth of your BEAUTIFUL baby boy!!! Congratulations, Jen. I can't wait to hear you L&D story & see more pictures of Miles!!

6:18 PM

Blogger Kether said...

OMIGOD!! You had him??? YAY!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
BIG FAT CONGRATS to you, Dave and Logan. God bless you all and yay! yay! yay!

9:59 PM


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